rampe theatre definition

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PDF Glossary of dramatic and theatrical terms

The theatrical equipment used in a dramatic production to communicate environment or represent a real place Examples of scenery include curtains flats backdrops or platforms Scenography The art of creating performance environments using one or more components including light costume set space and sound

PDF Theatre Theory and Performance

It was felt that theatre like the other forms of art should disturb should initiate thinking rather than give the audience a release from pity and fear Satisfaction is not what art should give Steering clear of theatre-history for the most part the aim of this book is to raise certain issues This is not designed to be a textbook of theatre-

PDF Part 1 A guide to dramatic conventions

The definitions of theatre offered above have stressed a broad unity across a range of activities that have the imaginative and fictional use of time space and presence as their common feature Theatre is not seen as a narrow or exclusive set of culturally bound forms The definitions are chosen in order to fix the book in contexts where theatre i

PDF Introduction: theatre and theatre studies

Today the concept of ‘theatre’ can refer to: (1) a building; (2) an activity (‘going to’ or ‘doing’ theatre); (3) an institution; and (4) more narrowly an art form In the past theatre was often used as a synonym for drama a usage that can be still be found in the names of some university departments

  • What is a theatre production?

    The basis of dramatic activity and performance; a written script produced by a playwright or agreed by a group through the process of devising. The physical building where plays are performed, and the associated business of staging plays involving actors, producers, directors, stage management, designers and marketing.

  • What is a theatre'module'?

    The auditorium is designed to sit within the massive stone hall, independent of the historic structure. The architects devised a seven-sided ‘theatre module’, with a diameter of 21.3m and a height of 13.7m, Audience seated within the constructed of steel and glass. The seating rises all theatre ‘module’ around a central acting area.

  • What is a theatre?

    The word theatre is used to embrace a range of performing arts spaces, including drama theatres, opera houses, dance spaces, recital rooms, educational theatres and concert halls. f2 Preliminary planning 1.2 u0007Two case studies – Copenhagen lively animated area known as Vestbanen.

  • What are the essential features of theatre?

    An essential feature of theatre is that the dramatic experience develops and accumulates, so that responses to a convention used at one stage in the experience have to be taken within the context of the responses generated by the previous convention and the responses offered by the convention that follows.


The definitions of theatre offered above have stressed a broad unity across a range of activities that have the imaginative and fictional use of time, space and presence as their common feature. Theatre is not seen as a narrow or exclusive set of culturally bound forms. The definitions are chosen in order to fix the book in contexts where theatre i

Classification and criteria for selection

The conventions have been organised into groups that represent four varieties of dramatic action: assets.cambridge.org

Context-building action

Conventions that either ‘set the scene’, or add information to the context of the drama as it unfolds. assets.cambridge.org

Narrative action

Conventions that tend to emphasise the ‘story’ or ‘what-happens-next’ dimension of the drama. assets.cambridge.org

Poetic action

Conventions that emphasise or create the symbolic potential of the drama through highly selective use of language and gesture. assets.cambridge.org

Reflective action

Conventions that emphasise ‘soliloquy’ or ‘inner-thinking’ in the drama, or allow groups to review the drama from within the dramatic context. This classification is not intended to be hierarchical or sequential. A convention achieves value through being appropriate to the moment for which it has been selected, and the dynamic nature of theatre req

Organisation of entries for the conventions

The entry for each convention is necessarily brief and practically orientated. An entry does not aim to represent a convention fully in its complexity. Indeed, an understanding of the particularity or essential qualities of a convention is seen as growing, in part, from the participants’ active experimentation with form. It also develops through a

• Description

An explanation of how the convention is operated, and the different forms it might take. There will be many other variations of each convention that are not identified. Cultural connections The purpose of this section is to recognise and raise the status of theatre as a cultural resource that taps people’s shared understanding of media/story conv

A. Context-building action

Circle of life Circular drama Collective character Collective drawing Commission Defining space Diaries, letters, journals, messages First impressions Making maps/diagrams Objects of character Role-on-the-wall Simulations Soundtracking Still-image Theory-building The iceberg Games Guided tour The ripple Unfinished materials assets.cambridge.org


These conventions enable a group to create or engage with the dramatic context: the concrete particulars of the situation, characters or roles that will inform and drive the action. They are helpful when there is a need to: clarify the context through fixing time, place and people involved create atmosphere through use of space, light and sound dra

Cultural origins

Life experience of building dens, designing rooms, arranging furniture; expectations created by different settings – dark woods, high-tech rooms, and so on. Conventions are drawn from theatre/ film, e.g. soundtracking and defining space (set-building), and from psychotherapy, e.g. games, simulations and still-image. assets.cambridge.org

Level of demand

Because the work is to do with setting up the context, rather than acting within it, there is little threat or personal risk involved. The work is indirect and involves groups contributing to a context that will be shared. Commitment to dramatic action is gained through the small-group work and the sense of ownership generated, as well as through t


A large sheet of paper is divided into five sections with a circle in the centre of the page where the name and age of a character are written. The surrounding paper is then divided into four sections that will represent areas of that character’s life and the people they interact with at those times. These sections are labelled: Home, Family, Play


1 As the starting point for an exploratory drama the group are shown the following brief performance with the organiser in the role as Sunita. My name is Sunita. I am fourteen. That is my mother. (She points to another actor standing with her back to Sunita (prepared roles).) She is in the kitchen washing the dishes. In the sitting room I can see h


This convention is essentially a more manageable form of teacher-in-role for the less experienced and less confident. The group is organised into a series of subgroups, each of which has a specific relationship with a central character. The group decide on their individual roles and the physical location of their group. The organiser takes on the r

Cultural connections

A character is improvised by a group, any one of whom can speak as that character. Alternatively, an individual opts to take on the role and the remainder of the group whisper advice and offer lines of dialogue to be spoken by the volunteer. In this way a large group can be involved in the creation of a dialogue with, for instance, subgroups taking

Learning opportunities

Requires participants to work sensitively and collectively; sharing a role through alternative portrayals; tests out character responses in action; helps provide a more complex character for further exploration. assets.cambridge.org


In a play-building drama based on an advert in a corner shop placed by a woman selling her wedding dress, wedding and engagement rings, small groups have built up a series of scenes to show why the marriage might have gone wrong. At the end of the drama a dialogue is held between the ‘woman who sells the dress’ (the voice of experience) and ‘the wo


In this variation of a basic convention called ‘Echoes’, two volunteers, each supported by other group members, play characters involved in a dialogue. These individuals provide this dialogue through short sentences and phrases, which are echoed by the subgroups supporting them. assets.cambridge.org

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PDF Vocabulaire aller au théâtre…

Dans le langage du théâtre, la rampe est une rangée de lumières placée sur le devant de la scène et qui permet d'éclairer les comédiens par en bas, sans gêner la vue des spectateurs. Wikipédia

C'est quoi les rampes ?

Plan incliné établi entre deux parties d'une construction, d'un lieu aménagé (parc, jardin, etc.), situées à des niveaux différents, et permettant le passage de l'une à l'autre : Rampe d'un garage. 2.
. Route ou voie ferrée en déclivité, considérée dans le sens de la montée.

C'est quoi une rampe de lancement ?

Locution nominale (Astronautique) Dispositif de lancement, fixe ou mobile, assurant au départ le support et éventuellement le maintien dans la direction voulue et le pointage initial d'un véhicule aérospatial ou d'un missile.

Pourquoi Dit-on les feux de la rampe ?

Origine : Au XVIIème si?le, la scène des théâtres était éclairée par des chandelles placée devant les acteurs. Cet alignement de lumière était alors appelé "rampe".
. A la fin du XVIIIème si?le apparaît l'expression "être sous les feux de la rampe", être sur scène.

Quel est le synonyme de ramper ?

Synonyme : courber le dos, courber le front, courber l'échine, s'humilier, se mettre à plat ventre, plier le genou, plier l'échine.

Le vocabulaire du Théâtre - WordPresscom

Être sous les feux de la rampe Durer (à propos d'une pièce) Brûler les planches Annoncer le début de la représentation Jouer au pied levé Jouer la comédie avec talent et verve L'envers du décor Chose que l'on ne peut pas voir au premier abord

Eine Produktionsplattform téchne technê technē techné

and between the theatre stage and the exhibition space Taking the form of a performing and visual art production platform, Techne is realised between Theater Rampe and Künstlerhaus Stuttgart from November 2016 to December 2017 International in remit, the

Sens courant Sens du mot au théâtre Mot à replacer

La rampe Rangée de lumières en bord de scène Les planches Espace où les comédiens sont en scène, sol sur lequel marchent les acteurs Synonyme de scène II Le théâtre : un genre littéraire


CHOIX ARTISTIQUES de la compagnie La Rampe TIO - partenariats - petites biographies : - Claude ALRANQ - dramaturge, - André DION - compositeur, - PIGET PROD - vidéo I / CATHARSIS SOUND MAQUINA 1 / La pièce – Synopsis, – Note d’écriture, – Note de mise en scène, – Parti pris esthétique (le plateau, le décor, les costumes, les

FOA-FLUX foa-fluxnet & Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK

Rampe Annex Einfahrt 4 Tramhaltestelle theatre, design, commercial space and social Living Museum is by its own definition an art - asylum for people with

AnAlyser une représentAtion théâtrAle Questionnaire / grille

du jeu (rideau, fosse, rampe) ? 2 > L’espace scénique • Quelles sont les caractéristiques (sol, murs, plafond, forme, matières, couleurs) ?


Merci de nous envoyer votre plan de pose des trappes et rampe d’accès PMR Plancher technique incluant une rampe d’accès PMR : Hauteur 12cm avec 10 de trappes pour le passage des fluides Résistance : 350 kg/m²

  1. vocabulaire d'une salle de théatre
  2. plan d'un théâtre ? l'italienne
  3. les différentes parties d'un théâtre
  4. description d'une salle de theatre
  5. composition d'une salle de théâtre
  6. les differents lieux du theatre
  7. schéma d'une scène de théâtre
  8. salle de théâtre ? l'italienne
Le vocabulaire du théâtre

Le vocabulaire du théâtre

Source: Act'in Théâtre

PDF) The Theater of the Absurd and the Absurdity of Theater: The

PDF) The Theater of the Absurd and the Absurdity of Theater: The





Le théâtre  entre appareil et dispositif

Le théâtre entre appareil et dispositif


Feux de la rampe — Wikipédia

Feux de la rampe — Wikipédia


PDF) Light : Readings in Theatre Practice

PDF) Light : Readings in Theatre Practice


Cours ,Exercices ,Examens,Contrôles ,Document ,PDF,DOC,PPT

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