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  • Do you give credit to the authors of the ENT Research?

    As has been commented by James Hinton , phi- losopher and irst Otologist of Guy’s Hospital London, “Nor do I profess to give accurately the credit of their discoveries to each author, nor even mention the source of each statement made. Nothing is claimed as original” (in The f The Basic ENT Questions of Aural Surgery published in London 1874).

  • What is a good library reference for pediatric otolaryngology?

    An excellent library reference on pediatric otolaryngology is the two-volume text by Bluestone et al.1 You should refer to it often during your pediatric rotation. The most common pediatric disorder seen by the otolaryngologist and pediatrician is otitis media, so it is important to understand the spectrum of this disease.

  • What are the goals of Otolaryngology education?

    The goals of education are to provide activities and services for practicing otolaryn-gologists, physicians-in-training, and non-otolaryngologists. The Foundation serves as a primary resource for otolaryngology–head and neck activities and events.

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