difference between french and english schools

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PDF The Education System in France

Secondary level of education includes lower and higher secondary schools Lower secondary education (collège) Children aged 11 to 15 attend collège taking them from form 6 (sixième) to form 3

  • What is the French education system?

    The French education system has its roots in the egalitarian principles of the French Revolution. It emphasizes uniformity and centralization, with the curriculum largely controlled by the national government.

  • How are French and English schools different?

    The structure of French and English schools is also quite different. In France, schools are divided into three levels: primary, secondary, and higher education. Each level is further divided into classes, with students progressing through the levels as they get older.

  • What is the difference between French and American higher education?

    The French higher education, especially the esteemed “grandes écoles,” are known for their strict academic focus and competitiveness. Both systems are internationally recognized, although the American system might have a broader global acceptance due to its many internationally ranked universities.

  • What is the difference between primary and secondary school in France?

    Primary school is compulsory for all students, French and foreign alike, starting at age six. It is for children from aged six to 11. It aims to teach children some degree of autonomy and the basics about citizenship. Secondary level of education includes lower and higher secondary schools.

Contact with Your School

In the UK and many other countries, teaching staff often deal with umpteen parental requests every single day (and credit to them). In France, there is comparatively less or maybe a different type of contact between home and school. Children are certainly encouraged to be more independent and mature and to work out ‘minor’ problems for themselves


Differing views and research studies aside, generally speaking, homework (and there can be a fair amount) is regularly set and completed by the vast majority of students. Bravo frenchentree.com

The Difference Between Public and Prive

The fact is, there seems to be (comparatively speaking) quite a bit of staff absence or lack of staff availability in some (but not all) areas of the French public secondary system. It is worth checking out the exam results for your prospective local comprehensive college too. Just as you might do in your previous life by comparing local school lea

Step Back in Time

Be prepared for some technological differences if you move to the countryside Tablets, mini whiteboards, interactive whiteboards, and a computer suite of classrooms were left all the way back in our UK Primary school the moment we stepped into a rural French Primary classroom with wooden ink desks and chalkboards. Although, this may not be typical

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  1. british school system vs french
  2. comparaison système éducatif français et anglais
  3. differences between french and english universities
  4. school system uk
  5. difference between french and british education system
  6. french and english school years
  7. british and french school system
  8. year 10 in french
10 big differences between school in France and the UK – Alpine

10 big differences between school in France and the UK – Alpine


Differences between schools in France and England

Differences between schools in France and England

Source: Teaching Resources

10 differences between French and British schools

10 differences between French and British schools

Source: Complete France

PDF) Teaching and Learning of English Language by the French

PDF) Teaching and Learning of English Language by the French


PDF) The development of auditory proficiency in French and English

PDF) The development of auditory proficiency in French and English


Education in France - Wikipedia

Education in France - Wikipedia


Cours ,Exercices ,Examens,Contrôles ,Document ,PDF,DOC,PPT
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