blue dart courier charges

List Docs
  • What is the cost of 1 kg to parcel in India?

    Up to 500g40 – 10060 – 150500g – 1kg100 – 200150 – 2501kg – 2kg200 – 300250 – 3502kg – 3kg300 – 400350 – 450

  • What is the courier charges in India?

    In India, courier charges change according to weight slabs, often ranging from Rs 80 to Rs 700 per kg.
    Small parcels like documents may have competitive rates within cities, ranging from Rs 30 to Rs 50.

  • What is minimum chargeable weight in Blue Dart per kg?

    The service offers access to 220 countries and territories worldwide and the extensive, quality network of Blue Dart and DHL.
    Documents and packages will be picked-up from your location, cleared through customs and delivered to your consignee.

Charges will be based on the weight of the shipment in kgs or fractions Blue Dart Express Limited is the registered proprietor of the trademark "Blue Dart".Autres questions
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