cw morse code keys

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  • What is a CW bug key?

    A "bug" or "semi-automatic" key is the most complex electro-mechanical key.
    It has the advantage over the cootie in that it assists the operator in sending well-formed streams of dits.
    As with the cootie, the bug can be pushed to the left or to the right.

  • How does a CW key work?

    An operator uses the telegraph key to send electrical pulses (or in the case of modern CW, unmodulated radio waves) of two different lengths: short pulses, called dots or dits, and longer pulses, called dashes or dahs.
    These pulses encode the letters and other characters that spell out the message.

  • A semi-automatic key repeated the Morse code dots rapidly, much like holding down a key on a keyboard for repeated letters.
    The operator still keyed the dashes but could work much faster.
    The Mecograph Company created a right-angle semi-automatic telegraph key around 1906.

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