entrepreneurship as a solution to extreme poverty

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Entrepreneurship as a solution to extreme poverty: A review and future research directions Journal of Business Venturing 34(1) 197-214 Sutter C J  

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Entrepreneurship as a solution to extreme poverty: A review and future research directions Journal of Business Venturing 34(1) 197–214 Sutter C Webb 

  • How does entrepreneurship solve poverty?

    Entrepreneurship development contributes to poverty reduction when it creates employment through the startup of new entrepreneurship or the expansion of existing ones and they increases social wealth by creating new markets, new industries, new technology, new institutional forms, new jobs and net increases in real

  • How does entrepreneurship solve the economic problem?

    Entrepreneurs boost economic growth by introducing innovative technologies, products, and services.
    Increased competition from entrepreneurs challenges existing firms to become more competitive.
    Entrepreneurs provide new job opportunities in the short and long term.

  • Is entrepreneurship the real solution to our economic problem?

    Entrepreneurship can fuel economic growth under the right conditions and when people become entrepreneurs for the right reasons.
    It is not, however, a magic bullet for growth, particularly in less-developed economies.

  • Entrepreneurship has proven to be a mechanism for poverty reduction through creation of employment opportunities, income as well as wealth.
    In some occasion entrepreneurs exploit opportunities at the expense of the existing policy to engage in activities that are not economically and socially productive.

Entrepreneurship is widely argued to be critical for alleviating extreme poverty. However, research on this topic is characterized by diverging perspectives regarding poverty alleviation and remains fragmented across various research domains.
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  7. entrepreneurship as a solution to extreme poverty
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Full article: Business  Entrepreneurship and Innovation Toward

Full article: Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation Toward


PDF) Re-defining Our Approaches to Extreme Poverty: An Attempt to

PDF) Re-defining Our Approaches to Extreme Poverty: An Attempt to




Source: Raheem

PDF) Entrepreneurship  Poverty  and Asia: Moving beyond

PDF) Entrepreneurship Poverty and Asia: Moving beyond


Read The Business Solution to Poverty Online by Paul Polak and Mal

Read The Business Solution to Poverty Online by Paul Polak and Mal


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