air freight meaning

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  • What is the meaning of airfreight?

    Meaning of airfreight in English
    to transport goods by plane: High-value, perishable goods such as cut flowers tend to be airfreighted, for example from parts of East Africa.

  • Urgent materials such as radiopharmaceuticals for medical diagnosis or treatment or high-value goods such as technological products and high value commodities are typically shipped by air cargo.
    Air transport is also ideal for certain food products such as fresh fish, exotic fruits and cut flowers.

  • What is the difference between air cargo and air freight?

    The terms freight or cargo refer to the transportation of goods from one place to another, but the air cargo meaning typically refers only to goods transported by plane or ship.
    The air freight definition has a much broader meaning and can also be applied to the transportation of goods via road, ocean, rail, and air.

  • What is the term air freight?

    The process of transporting goods by aircraft.
    Take care when using this term as it's often used interchangeably with 'air cargo', However, there's a subtle but important distinction between the two.
    Air freight is the mode of transport; air cargo refers to the goods being transported.

  • noun the carriage of goods by aircraft."the airfreight business"
    verb carry or send (goods) by aircraft."airfreighting them out would be much more reliable, though costlier"
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