angular cli configuration flag

List Docs
  • How do I store feature flags in angular?

    One option for storing feature flags is in a JSON configuration file. Refer to this post for an explanation on consuming an editable configuration file. Centralize the management of determining whether a feature is turned on or off into an Angular service.

  • What are angular CLI defaults?

    The Angular CLI has defaults for various options. For example, when we ran: With no options, it created a directory in the ./src/app/ directory called demo, and it created separate files for the template and css file. However, when we created the navigation component, we used some options:

  • How to create a component using angular CLI?

    In the last section, we used the Angular CLI to create a component using the ng generate component command (abbreviated to ng g c ). The Angular CLI has defaults for various options. For example, when we ran: With no options, it created a directory in the ./src/app/ directory called demo, and it created separate files for the template and css file.

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