angular folder structure

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  • What is the SRC folder in angular?

    Inside the src folder, the app folder contains your project's logic and data. Angular components, templates, and styles go here. Defines the application config logic that tells Angular how to assemble the application. As you add more providers to the app, they must be declared here.

  • What is an angular-folder-structure project?

    The angular-folder-structure project goal is to create a skeleton structure which is flexible for projects big or small. The Angular style guide has this to say on the subject of directory structure: Have a near-term view of implementation and a long-term vision. Start small but keep in mind where the app is heading down the road.

  • What is angular assets folder?

    The assets folder is generated for us by the Angular CLI with the ng new command, and is the perfect place for storing all our media files. Using it in combination with a PathLocationStrategy gives easily referable files across the app. This folder persists at build time. Going Beyond!

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Source: angularjs Tutorial

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Folder Structure Of Angular 5 Project


Files and Folders - Angular Succinctly Ebook

Files and Folders - Angular Succinctly Ebook

Source: Syncfusion

Angular folder structure - Aditya Tyagi

Angular folder structure - Aditya Tyagi


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