Europe and its neighbors Fall 2014 October

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A new EU leadership will take office in 2014 The new team should initiate a broad discussion of the param- eters of an ENP II and launch the renewed policy in 

PDF Resisting evictions across europe

cios at the end of October 2014 in Cordoba that we as Rosa Luxem-burg Foundation russelsb got to know the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City which was at that time in its early formation process There we saw something important growing in Europe In that transnational meeting different groups working on

  • What is the new European Neighbourhood policy?

    Under the ENP, the EU works together with its partners to develop democratic, socially equitable and inclusive societies.
    It offers partners economic integration, improved circulation of people across borders, financial assistance and technical cooperation toward approximation with EU standards.

  • It is geared towards the EU's immediate neighbours both to the east (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and to the south (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the Palestinian territories, Syria and Tunisia).

  • When did Brexit start and end?

    Brexit (/ˈbrɛksɪt, ˈbrɛɡzɪt/; portmanteau of "British exit") was the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU).
    Following a referendum on 23 June 2016, Brexit officially took place at 23:00 GMT on 31 January 2020 (00:00 1 February 2020 CET).

  • What countries are part of the ENP?

    The policy was first outlined by the European Commission in March 2003.
    The countries covered include Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, State of Palestine, Syria, Tunisia in the South and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine in the East.

  • Overview

    For Europe this has been the year when ghosts - long thought buried - returned. For nearly 70 years Europe had held to a core principle: that borders could not be changed by force. In Crimea - and in eastern Ukraine - Russian President Vladimir Putin dusted down and revived older, more dangerous doctrines. German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned against "old thinking in terms of spheres of influence in which international law is trampled on". As the year draws to a close other images from another era make their reappearance: Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers being shadowed by Nato jets in European airspace. In one 24-hour period Russian military aircraft had to be intercepted 26 times.

    Russia rethink

    No one in Europe knows the extent of President Vladimir Putin's ambition, or how seriously he intends to revive the territory of "Novorossiya" or the former Soviet empire. In imperial Russia "Novorossiya" was a swathe of territory north of the Black Sea which later became part of Ukraine. For reasons of history Germany is Russia's most important partner in Europe. Angela Merkel has spoken to Vladimir Putin more than 35 times. She is said to feel deceived and, despite intense lobbying from German industry, has backed sanctions against Russia. Despite divisions - mainly caused by economic need - Europe adopted sanctions and found a public face of unity. The crisis in Ukraine left Europe's leaders with many troubling challenges: the extent of Europe's dependency on Russian energy; the influence of Russian money in Europe; the cuts in defence budgets.

    Ailing eurozone

    The eurozone crisis had supposedly been buried in 2013. It, too, has staged a return. It is no longer principally a crisis about debt but stagnation, caused by a lack of demand. 2014 marked the limits to the policy of austerity. As the year ends the eurozone is close to recession. Its economy grew by a modest 0.2% in the third quarter and risks sliding into deflation. The eurozone's three biggest economies saw manufacturing activity decline in November. The threat is no longer of countries being unable to finance their debts due to high borrowing costs. That risk was essentially removed by the President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Mario Draghi in 2012, when he promised to do "whatever it takes" to defend the euro. Italy can currently borrow at 2%. The new threat is a lack of growth and stubbornly high unemployment. There is a growing consensus that without economic recovery the debt burden will become unsustainable again. So Europe has changed its priorities. No longer is the emphasis on reducing deficits. Italy and France have been shown some flexibility over breaking EU budget rules.

    Greek drama not over

    Greece, which had for so long been the epicentre of the crisis, returned to rattle markets. It had seemed that the country was finally escaping six years of recession. Its economy shrank by 25%, which is unprecedented in the modern era in Europe. But in 2014 it found growth of 0.7% and even managed a budgetary surplus. Unemployment edged down to 25.7%. However, political uncertainty has returned. A vote to decide on a new president could lead to elections in the New Year. If that happens, the favourite to win - according to the polls - is Alexis Tsipras, leader of the radical left party Syriza. "We will replace the EU/IMF bailout," he says, "from the initial days of our government". He wants some of Greece's debt restructured. The prospect has unnerved officials in Brussels, to the point they are openly taking sides in the Greek crisis and delivering warnings. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said: "I assume that the Greeks… know very well what a wrong election result would mean for Greece and the eurozone." The helm of the country, he said, could be taken over by "extreme forces". 2014 also saw a continued rise in anti-establishment parties, many of which were anti-EU. In France, Marine Le Pen's Front National won the European elections. In Britain UKIP came out on top.

    Tension over migrants

    For all the discontent, however, power in Europe - particularly in the European Parliament - remains firmly in the hands of the mainstream parties. After unemployment and the economy, migration was confirmed as a major issue in many countries. During the year 207,000 migrants arrived by boat in Italy. More than 3,400 died in the Mediterranean. Germany received more than 180,000 asylum applications. Sweden has operated an open-door policy for migrants from Syria, but it has caused political tension. The far-right Sweden Democrats have forced a snap election, which they hope will be a "referendum on immigration". It may become significant that the rise in the number of refugees seeking asylum in Germany has sparked the emergence of a protest movement, part of which is linked to the far right. Every Monday evening recently thousands of people have marched through the city of Dresden carrying German flags and protesting against the "Islamisation" of their country. The protests have been condemned by Angela Merkel. What we failed to give sufficient attention to: •The era of the insurgent party: not only is support for established parties weakening but new, often populist, parties can rise at astonishing speed. In Spain, Podemos - a radical left party - was only formed 10 months ago. It is already polling at 23% and could well be a player in next year's elections. This volatility could make it harder to form stable governments

    Who is up? Who is down?

    Ms Merkel remains the most influential politician in Europe, yet she is more isolated than before. She still demands that Italy and France do more to rein in their budget deficits. The measures taken so far are "not sufficient", she says, but the tide is running strongly against austerity. Even with growth the priority in the eurozone, Germany is proudly running a break-even budget, the so-called "black zero". France's President Francois Hollande saw his approval ratings drop to a record low of 13%. Unemployment remains stubbornly high. If it does not fall he may well not be a candidate in 2017. "The French people would be merciless," he said, "and they would be right". Despite recent moves to free up the economy the French dilemma remains the same: how to reform labour laws which are seen as an integral part of the French way of life. Matteo Renzi bristles with energy and confidence. He has pushed through political reforms and is in the process of introducing a Jobs Act to make it easier to hire and fire workers. Italy, however, remains in recession with debts of €2tn (£1.6tn; $2.5tn) and is the major concern for Europe's leaders. Six months ago Mr Renzi said that "if Europe was to take a selfie today, it would be a tired, resigned image". And David Cameron? 2014 was the year when Europe's leaders and officials began engaging with the possibility that after a referendum the UK could leave the EU. There have been many comments about desiring the UK to stay, but there is little appetite to make major concessions or to weaken any of the EU's core principles.

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