EUROPÄISCHE UNION - Make it in Germany - Téléphones

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  • Can I live in Poland and work in Germany?

    As long as you are not a citizen of a country whose citizenship allows you to enter Germany freely (please check the list of states below), you are residing legally in Poland (e.g.
    Karta pobytu, D-Visa) and you plan to stay in Germany for more than 3 months (family reunion, studying) or to work in Germany, you need a

  • Can I work in Germany with Slovakia residence permit?

    If you hold an EU long-term residence permit issued by another EU Member State, a residence permit will be issued to you in Germany allowing you to work, study or undergo training here.
    After you have been resident in Germany for five years, you can apply for an EU long-term residence permit in Germany.

  • The minimum salary threshold for an EU Blue Card is currently (as of 2023) 43,800 euros gross per year or 3,650 euros gross per month.

  • Can EU citizens move to Germany?

    EU citizens do not need a visa for entering Germany.
    Since the entry into force of the Freedom of Movement Act/ EU on 1 January 2005, EU citizens are no longer required to apply for a residence permit after entering Germany.

  • Are you a citizen of an EU member state planning to seek employment, study or complete vocational training in Germany? Thanks to the freedom of movement, you  Autres questions
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    1. The European Union
    2. Europa EU
    3. lobbying in the european union
    4. Germany and the European Union
    5. European Union
    6. The Transformation of Governance in the European Union*
    7. How the European Union works
    8. Developing a Theory of Democracy for the European Union
    9. The EU Common Strategy on Russia
    10. Informal Governance in the European Union
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    The EU - what it is and what it does


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