europan 13 results - France

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  • What is the Europan 13 competition?

    The EUROPAN 13 competition –aa European competition of urban and architectural projects leading to implementation, conducted in partnership with European municipalities, local authorities and clients– was organised as a joint initiative by 15 European structures.

  • How does the EU-13 perform in the European FPS?

    3.1. Low participation of the EU-13 It is generally acknowledged that the EU-13 underperform in the European FPs. Differences in participation are accepted. The FPs are based on quality and excellence, which implies that an even geographical distribution of funds based on the principle of 'juste retour' cannot be applied.

  • Is the EU-13 catching up with the EU-15?

    The EU-13 does not appear to be catching up with the EU-15. The EU-13 score particularly low in 'Open, excellent and attractive research systems'. Here the gap with EU-15 performance is 65 per cent.

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  1. Europan Europe
  2. the adaptable europan 13 city 2 theme
  3. THE Europan 13 siTEs 15 parTicipaTing counTriEs compETiTion
  4. European SRI Study
  5. France's Mixed Europeanisation
  6. The Results and Efficiency of Railway Infrastructure Financing within
  7. The European Elite 2017”
  9. european report on the quality of school education
  10. France
Europan-Europe resultindexpage_title

Europan-Europe resultindexpage_title




Source: EUROPAN 6 European results



Source: EUROPAN 6 European results



Source: EUROPAN 6 European results

Europan-Europe resultindexpage_title

Europan-Europe resultindexpage_title




Source: EUROPAN 6 European results

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