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PDF Application Form 2014-15

INDIAN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC COOPERATION ( ITEC ) AND SPECIAL COMMONWEALTH ASSISTANCE FOR AFRICA PROGRAMME ( SCAAP) TECHNICAL COOPERATION SCHEME OF COLOMBO PLAN (Application for the courses fully funded by the Ministry of External Affairs Government of India) Please read instructions carefully before applying APPLICATION FORM PART- I


INDIAN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC COOPERATION (ITEC) TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR - SENEGAL THE GAMBIA GUINEA-BISSAU AND CABO VERDE - FOR 2016-17 : Application Procedures The Embassy of India Dakar is pleased to announce that processing of applications for the ITEC Training Programme for the year 2016-17 has already been launched

  • How many young Bangladeshi professionals have benefited from ITEC programmes?

    According to a press release issued by the High Commission of India in Dhaka , over 4000 young Bangladeshi professionals have benefitted from various ITEC programmes since 2007. These training programmes provide an opportunity to share best practises which benefit both the countries.

  • When will the ITEC exam papers be delivered?

    Paper-based ITEC examination papers will be despatched to arrive at least one working day before the scheduled examination (five working days for national series examinations) or will be printable from files supplied. 3.3. Timetabling of examinations All examinations must be taken at the scheduled time as notified to the learners.

  • What's new at ITEC?

    In the process of the merge, ITEC now has a more modern website and a new logo, but, as Jane Foulston has said: “ITEC will continue providing one standard for the World offering prestigious examination-bases qualifications”.

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  2. itec brochure 2017 2018
  3. 2016-2017
  4. itec india 2017-2018
  5. itec india 2017 application form
  6. itec india login
  7. training brochure 2016 - 2017 - itec
  8. itec india 2016 application form
ITEC :Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation

ITEC :Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation





ITEC :Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation

ITEC :Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation





ITEC :Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation

ITEC :Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation


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