Nature of gravitational field

Ultra-weak gravitational field detected

17.02.2021 Nature 446 279–283 (2007). 8. Enk

Quantum states of neutrons in the Earth's gravitational field

17.01.2002 The discrete quantum properties of matter are manifest in a ... gravitational field should lead to the formation of quantum states.
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Temperature gradient of vertical air column in gravitational field

In an isolated system any heterogeneity of intensive properties
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A no-go theorem on the nature of the gravitational field beyond

us about the nature of the gravitational field. The relevance of such low-energy tests to the formulation of physics at the interface between quantum theory 

Witness gravity's quantum side in the lab

13.07.2017 as the gravitational field — has a definite value ... in double-slit experiments have demonstrated the quantum nature of large molecules.
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Quantum States of Neutrons in the Gravitational Field

Additionally we provide the fundamentals of neutron physics as far as they are relevant to our experiment. Special attention is payed to the unique properties 
dipl krantz

Quantum states of neutrons in the Earth's gravitational field

17.01.2002 Nature 401. 563±565 (1999). 12. Kessler
Quantum States of Neutrons in the Earth s Gravitational Field

A no-go theorem on the nature of the gravitational field beyond

17.08.2022 Here we remedy this by introducing the framework of Generalised Probabilistic Theories (GPTs) to the study of the nature of the gravitational ...

Asymptotic Behavior of the Gravitational Field and the Nature of

ANNALS. OF PHYSICS I!#. 84122 (1990). Asymptotic Behavior of the Gravitational Field and the Nature of Singularities in Gowdy Spacetimes*. JAMES ISENBERG.
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Direct limits for scalar field dark matter from a gravitational-wave

16.12.2021 The nature of dark matter remains unknown to date although several ... to gravitational-wave detectors
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  1. properties of gravitational field
  2. properties of gravitational field intensity
  3. properties of gravitational field lines
  4. properties of gravitational field in physics
  5. properties of gravitational field strength
  6. properties of uniform gravitational field
  7. properties of earth's gravitational field
  8. three properties of gravitational field