Orchis mascula (l.) l

Biological Flora of the British Isles: Orchis mascula (L.) L.

Orchis mascula is not autogamous and pollinators are necessary for successful pollination and fruit set. Flowers are nectarless and pollinated by deceit

Biological Flora of the British Isles: Orchis mascula (L.) L.

Orchis mascula is not autogamous and pollinators are necessary for successful pollination and fruit set. Flowers are nectarless and pollinated by deceit


rubra Limodorum abortivum

Sources of floral scent variation in the food-deceptive orchid Orchis

18 juil. 2022 induce changes in floral scent emissions in the food-deceptive orchid Orchis mascula: 24 circadian rhythm flower age

Sources of floral scent variation in the food-deceptive orchid Orchis

reproductive success will have to be tested in further studies. 32. 33. Keywords: Orchis mascula floral scent

Anthecology of Orchis mascula (Orchidaceae)

Interactions between Orchis mascula L. ssp. mascula and anthophilous insects were studied mainly on the island of Oland Sweden. The species is nectarless 

Morpho-anatomical structure of Orchis mascula (L.) L. and its

6 août 2018 Orchis mascula has the tubers entire and usually used for making the. “salep” and ice-cream. In morphological investigations the structure ...

Molecular Characterization of a Hybrid Zone between Orchis

between Orchis mascula and O. pauciflora in Southern Italy Additional key words: dot blot hybridization area

The development of the sinker of Orchis mascula Linn.

A plant of Orchis mascula dug up during the flowering season about April or May

Notification aux Parties no 2017/

15 janv. 2018 Orchis Mascula Flower Extract est l'extrait de fleurs d'Orchis mascula. Orchid Extract – Extrait d'orchidées.
F Notif

  1. orchis mascula (l.) l
  2. orchis mascula (l.) l. subsp. mascula