P53 pathway

P53 pathway is a major determinant in the radiosensitizing effect of

P53 is a key determinant of Palbociclib-associated radiosensitivity. The p53 tumour suppressor protein is known to be a critical effector of ATM-mediated. DNA 

The p53 pathway

SUMMARY. Abnormalities of the p53 tumour suppressor gene are among the most frequent molecular events in human and animal neoplasia.

Specific activation of the p53 pathway by low dose actinomycin D: A

21 jun 2009 In the first activation of p53 in tumor cells can promote apoptosis and senescence and enhance the anti-tumor activity of cytotoxic ...

Transcriptional activation of the carboxylesterase 2 gene by the p53

CES-2 expression via a p53-binding site representing a novel mechanism through which the p53 pathway modulates drug metabolism. In addition

The p53 Pathway Controls SOX2-Mediated Reprogramming in the

11 oct 2016 The p53 pathway controls cell-cycle exit of induced neuroblasts from astrocytes d. A neurotrophic milieu is required for efficient ...

P53-independent restoration of p53 pathway in tumors with mutated

20 oct 2020 We sought to discover upstream regulators that mediate p53 pathway restoration in mutant p53-expressing cancer cells following PG3-Oc treatment.
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Translational approaches targeting the p53 pathway for antiâ

27 jun 2011 Consequently the p53 signalling pathway is virtually always inactivated in human cancer cells. This unifying feature has commenced tremendous ...

The MDM2-p53 pathway is involved in preconditioning-induced

IBSAL MDM p pathway Preconditioning induced ischemia ?sequence= &isAllowed=y

Gene Amplifications in Well-Differentiated Pancreatic

study presents evidence that the p53 pathway is altered in pancreatic NETs through aberrant activation of its negative regulators. A high percentage.

Aberrations of the p53 pathway components p53 MDM2 and

and the p53 pathway. p16 inhibits the phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma gene product by cyclin D-dependent kinases whereas p19ARF targets MDM2

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  3. p53 pathway hepatocellular carcinoma
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