
User's Manual AXIS P8221

This manual is intended for administrators and users of the AXIS P8221. Network I/O Audio Module and is applicable for firmware release 5.10 and later.
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AXIS P8221 Network I/O Audio Module

AXIS P8221 has eight digital I/O ports that can be configured as inputs or outputs. Input ports can be connected to sensors such as door switches smoke.
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Installation Guide AXIS P8221

This document includes instructions for installing. AXIS P8221 Network I/O Audio Module on your network. Previous experience of networking will be beneficial.
axis p installation guide en US

AXIS P8221 Network I/O Audio Module

AXIS P8221 has eight digital I/O ports that can be configured as either inputs or outputs. Input ports can be connected to sensors such as door switches 
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User's Manual AXIS P8221

This manual is intended for administrators and users of the AXIS P8221. Network I/O Audio Module and is applicable for firmware release 5.10 and later.
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User's Manual AXIS P8221

This manual is intended for administrators and users of the AXIS P8221. Network I/O Audio Module and is applicable for firmware release 5.10 and later.
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Axis Communications

AXIS P8221 Network I/O Audio Module provides additional I/O ports and audio functionality to a network video installation and is intended to be used in 
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Madde 7000-P8221-P721500 için veri sayfası

P8221. Technical Data. Operating voltage max. 600 V AC. Madde 7000-P8221-P721500 için veri sayfası. Bu broşürdeki bilgiler itina ile derlenmiştir.

Installation Guide AXIS P8221

This document includes instructions for installing. AXIS P8221 Network I/O Audio Module on your network. Previous experience of networking will be beneficial.
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Data Sheet for Article 7000-P8221-P020100

P8221. Technical Data. Operating voltage max. 600 V AC. Rated surge voltage. 4.0 kV. Operating current per contact max. 13 A. No. of poles.

  1. p8221 firmware
  2. p8221 pdf
  3. p8221 milestone
  4. p8221 datasheet
  5. p8221 i/o
  6. p8221 manual
  7. p8221 network i/o audio module
  8. p8221 reset