Packages r

Package 'PerformanceAnalytics'

6 févr. 2020 PerformanceAnalytics provides an R package of econometric functions for performance and risk analysis of financial instruments or portfolios ...

Annexes : Installation du logiciel R et des packages R

Installation de R et de ses packages. 577. – pour un package (par exemple Rcmdr) dont le fichier est sur le site internet. CRAN : install.packages("Rcmdr").
bbm: /

Package `parallel'

Package parallel was first included in R 2.14.0. It builds on the work done for CRAN packages multicore (Urbanek 2009–2014) and snow (Tierney et al.

Mining sequence data in R with the TraMineR package: A user's

6 août 2009 TraMineR is a R-package for mining and visualizing sequences of categorical data. Its primary aim is the knowledge discovery from event or ...
TraMineR Users Guide

Hydrology modelling R packages: a unified analysis of models and

package functions prior to the model simulations. 170. 3 A unified analysis of the hydrological models proposed in R packages. Investigating the different 

plm: Linear Models for Panel Data

16 août 2022 plm is a package for R which intends to make the estimation of linear panel models straightforward. plm provides functions to estimate a wide ...

psych: Procedures for Psychological Psychometric

Creating R Packages: A Tutorial

14 sept. 2009 As running example we use functions for standard linear regression analysis which are developed from scratch. Keywords: R packages statistical ...
Leisch CreatingPackages

How to install and run the R package SPG (Sewage Pattern

b) Mac users either in R by following the menu: Packages & Data ⇒ Package Installer ⇒ in the field "CRAN binaries' choose 'Local Source.
spg install

MASS: Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's

Package 'MASS'. August 3 2022. Priority recommended. Version 7.3-58.1. Date 2022-07-27. Revision $Rev: 3606 $. Depends R (>= 3.3.0)

  1. packages redistribuables visual c++
  2. packages redistribuables visual c++ pour visual studio 2013
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  7. packages reinstall nuget
  8. packages rogers