Palmaceae examples

Seed Geometry in the Arecaceae

7 oct. 2020 The possibility of a model depends on the uniformity of seed shape in samples of a given species. Only when the shape is relatively constant it ...
Seed geometry in the arecaceae

Pollen aperture morphology in Arecaceae: application within

or misleading assumptions regarding affinity with modern any other monocotyledonous family (Harley 1999 a b). taxa

Triporate pollen in the Arecaceae

The apical triporate and zonosulcate pollen of Areca are described

Etude de l'appareil reproducteur des palmiers (Arecaceae

2 juil. 2014 (Arecaceae): évolution du système sexuel et du nombre ... Noteworthy examples are found in Borasseae Phytelepheae

The Usage of the Alternative Names of Eight Flowering Plant Families

Vienna Rules added Palmae and Guttiferae to the six the -aceae names as for example

Diversity of Algerian oases date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L

14 avr. 2017 dactylifera L. Arecaceae): Heterozygote excess ... A total of 414 samples of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) were sampled from 10 oases ...


As currently circumscribed Arecaceae comprise five subfamilies. The grasses
comer jason r phd

Pollen Morphology of Voanioala gerardii (Palmae: Arecoideae

Twenty-one genera of Palmae occur in Madagascar (Uhl & Dransfield been described; for example Erdtman (1952)

Novel nuclear intron-spanning primers for Arecaceae evolutionary

Keywords: Arecaceae CISP
bacon et al. primers

Seed Geometry in the Arecaceae

7 oct. 2020 Table 1 shows the distribution of tribes within subfamilies and representative examples of genera. The largest subfamily the. Arecoideae

  1. palmaceae family examples