Gradients of Inner Products

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Gradients of Inner Products

b − Ax2. 2. = (b − Ax)T (b − Ax). = bT b − (Ax)T b − bT Ax + xT AT Ax. = bT b − 2bT Ax + xT AT Ax Because mixed second partial derivatives satisfy.

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267621Gradients of Inner Products

Jim Lambers

MAT 610

Summer Session 2010-11

Lecture 8 Notes

Gradients of Inner Products

Let (x) =cTx wherecis a constant vector. Then, from (x) =nX j=1c jxj; we have @@x k=nX j=1c j@xj@x k=nX j=1c jjk=ck; and therefore r(x) =c:

Now, let

'(x) =xTBx=nX i=1n X j=1b ijxixj: Then @'@x k=nX i=1n X j=1b ij@(xixj)@x k nX i=1n X j=1b ij(ikxj+xijk) nX i=1n X j=1b ijxjik+nX i=1n X j=1b ijxijk nX j=1b kjxj+nX i=1b ikxi = (Bx)k+nX i=1(BT)kixi = (Bx)k+ (BTx)k:

We conclude that

r'(x) = (B+BT)x: 1

Gradient of the 2-Norm of the Residual Vector

From kxk2=px Tx; and the properties of the transpose, we obtain kbAxk22= (bAx)T(bAx) =bTb(Ax)TbbTAx+xTATAx =bTb2bTAx+xTATAx =bTb2(ATb)Tx+xTATAx: Using the formulas from the previous section, withc=ATbandB=ATA, we have r(kbAxk22) =2ATb+ (ATA+ (ATA)T)x:

However, because

(ATA)T=AT(AT)T=ATA; this simplies to r(kbAxk22) =2ATb+ 2ATAx= 2(ATAxATb):

Positive Deniteness ofATA

LetAbemn, withmnand rank(A) =n. Then, ifx6=0, it follows from the linear independence ofA's columns thatAx6=0. We then have x

TATAx= (Ax)TAx=kAxk22>0;

since the norm of a nonzero vector must be positive. It follows thatATAis not only symmetric, but positive denite as well.

Hessians of Inner Products

The Hessian of the function'(x), denoted byH'(x), is the matrix with entries h ij=@2'@x i@xj:

Because mixed second partial derivatives satisfy

2'@x i@xj=@2'@x j@xi as long as they are continuous, the Hessian is symmetric under these assumptions. In the case of'(x) =xTBx;whose gradient isr'(x) = (B+BT)x, the Hessian isH'(x) = B+BT. It follows from the previously computed gradient ofkbAxk22that its Hessian is

2ATA. Therefore, the Hessian is positive denite, which means that the unique critical point

x, the solution to the normal equationsATAxATb=0, is aminimum.

In general, if the Hessian at a critical point is

2 positive denite, meaning that its eigenvalues are all positive, then the critical point is a local minimum. negative denite, meaning that its eigenvalues are all negative, then the critical point is a local maximum.

Jim Lambers

MAT 610

Summer Session 2010-11

Lecture 8 Notes

Gradients of Inner Products

Let (x) =cTx wherecis a constant vector. Then, from (x) =nX j=1c jxj; we have @@x k=nX j=1c j@xj@x k=nX j=1c jjk=ck; and therefore r(x) =c:

Now, let

'(x) =xTBx=nX i=1n X j=1b ijxixj: Then @'@x k=nX i=1n X j=1b ij@(xixj)@x k nX i=1n X j=1b ij(ikxj+xijk) nX i=1n X j=1b ijxjik+nX i=1n X j=1b ijxijk nX j=1b kjxj+nX i=1b ikxi = (Bx)k+nX i=1(BT)kixi = (Bx)k+ (BTx)k:

We conclude that

r'(x) = (B+BT)x: 1

Gradient of the 2-Norm of the Residual Vector

From kxk2=px Tx; and the properties of the transpose, we obtain kbAxk22= (bAx)T(bAx) =bTb(Ax)TbbTAx+xTATAx =bTb2bTAx+xTATAx =bTb2(ATb)Tx+xTATAx: Using the formulas from the previous section, withc=ATbandB=ATA, we have r(kbAxk22) =2ATb+ (ATA+ (ATA)T)x:

However, because

(ATA)T=AT(AT)T=ATA; this simplies to r(kbAxk22) =2ATb+ 2ATAx= 2(ATAxATb):

Positive Deniteness ofATA

LetAbemn, withmnand rank(A) =n. Then, ifx6=0, it follows from the linear independence ofA's columns thatAx6=0. We then have x

TATAx= (Ax)TAx=kAxk22>0;

since the norm of a nonzero vector must be positive. It follows thatATAis not only symmetric, but positive denite as well.

Hessians of Inner Products

The Hessian of the function'(x), denoted byH'(x), is the matrix with entries h ij=@2'@x i@xj:

Because mixed second partial derivatives satisfy

2'@x i@xj=@2'@x j@xi as long as they are continuous, the Hessian is symmetric under these assumptions. In the case of'(x) =xTBx;whose gradient isr'(x) = (B+BT)x, the Hessian isH'(x) = B+BT. It follows from the previously computed gradient ofkbAxk22that its Hessian is

2ATA. Therefore, the Hessian is positive denite, which means that the unique critical point

x, the solution to the normal equationsATAxATb=0, is aminimum.

In general, if the Hessian at a critical point is

2 positive denite, meaning that its eigenvalues are all positive, then the critical point is a local minimum. negative denite, meaning that its eigenvalues are all negative, then the critical point is a local maximum.