
EU's top trading partners in 2014: the United States for exports

27 mars 2015 In 2014 the United States (€515.6 bn
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U.S.-China Collaboration in Combating the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in

From mid-2014 to mid-2015 the U.S. and China worked together to tackle the Ebola outbreak in. West Africa. This was the largest on-the-ground global health 
trs combating ebola breakout

People's Republic of China; 2014 Article IV Consultation—Staff

25 juil. 2014 In the context of the 2014 Article IV consultation with the People's ... in the first quarter—on top of US$ 430 billion for.

2014 Report to Congress On China's WTO Compliance

18 déc. 2014 Appendix 2: List of Witnesses Testifying on China's WTO Compliance. October 1 2014. Appendix 3: U.S. Fact Sheet for 25th U.S.-China Joint ...
Report to Congress Final


as departmental rules. Trade Policy Review – China 2014 Trade Policy Review. 4. 2210.0 1
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OECD Health Statistics 2014 How does China compare?

Health spending as a share of GDP among OECD countries is highest in the United States which spent 16.9% of its GDP on health in 2012.
Briefing Note CHINA


30 oct. 2014 The University of Michigan. Transportation Research Institute. Ann Arbor Michigan 48109-2150. U.S.A.. Report No. UMTRI-2014-30. October 2014 ...

U.S. Assistance Programs in China

2 déc. 2014 Between 2001 and 2014 the United. States government allocated $390 million for Department of State and USAID foreign assistance efforts in the ...

Bank of China Limited U.S. Resolution Plan Public Section

31 déc. 2014 Bank of China Limited. U.S. Resolution Plan. Public Section. December 31 2014. This document contains forward-looking statements.