Adequate in a sentence definition

The Right to Adequate Housing

evictions is a key element of the right to adequate housing and is closely linked to security of tenure. Forced evictions are defined as the “permanent or 
FS rev Housing en

The Semantic Conception of Truth: and the Foundations of Semantics

under which the definition of truth will be considered adequate from a sentence to a specific language; for it is obvious that the same expression.


Learning the meaning of a word through its use in a sentence or The new term may be formally defined or sufficient explanation may be given within the.
context cluesrev

Problems and Changes in the Empiricist Criterion of Meaning - by

1 Observation sentences of this kind belong to what Carnap has called the thing-language (cf. e. g.

Rubric Examples*

can usually choose words of sufficient precision control sentences of reasonable variety sentence structure; many repeated errors in grammar and usage.
rubricexamples all

There Is No Adequate Definition of 'Fine-tuned for Life'

There Is No Adequate Definition of. 'Fine-tuned for Life'. Neil A. Manson. University of Aberdeen. The discovery that the universe is fi ne-tuned for life 
No Adequate Definition

Criteria of Meaning and Analysis of Usage

know a sentence's cognitive meaning is initially considered as explication" of existing usage an adequate and improved restate.


It is sufficient to compare these two definitions explaining the will be called a good real definition of the object O

Resources for Writers: Paragraphs

A paragraph is a group of sentences that fleshes out a single idea. In order for a paragraph to be effective topic sentence and sufficient development.

Informational Filing on the Definition of “Adequate Level of Reliability”

10/05/2013 Further Reliability Assessment Objectives included in the definition must be evaluated to assess reliability risk in support of an adequate ...
Adequate Level of Reliability Definition (Informational Filing)

  1. suitable in a sentence definition
  2. appropriate in a sentence definition
  3. sufficient in a sentence definition
  4. adequate in a sentence meaning