Adequate in a sentence verb

IMPLICATIVE VERBS - University of Texas

The above facts are not yet sufficient to distinguish between factive and implicative verbs. The observation that the truth of the affirmative main sentence 

Rubric Examples*

can usually choose words of sufficient precision control sentences of reasonable variety
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Sentence Types

Sep 20 2021 Plagiarism problems can be significantly improved with adequate student training. (SIMPLE SENTENCE WITH AN INTERRUPTED VERB GROUP).
WC Sentence types

Meta Sequence Learning for Generating Adequate Question

Sep 30 2021 A basic unit could be a phrasal verb

Clinical Focus - When Conversation Is Not Enough: Assessing

ment of sentences with infinitival complements precedes other complex sentence types tunities and variety of verbs that are needed for an adequate.
AJSLP.Assessing infinitives through elicitation

Strong Verbs Strong Verbs

Using concise sentences and powerful verbs is one way to engage readers Adequate: The girl was rather surprised by the fact that her brother was dating ...
strong verbs

Leibniz's Law and the Antinomy of the Liar

because we do not have adequate reasons for believing that Leibniz's Law quotation and in subordinate sentences governed by verbs of proposi-.

predicate inversion and english there-sentences* - jutta m. hartmann

adequate for the there-V sentences (there-sentence with a lexical verb). I will provide an analysis of there-V sentences (and locative inversion).

COVID-19 Guidance Note: Prohibition of evictions

Apr 28 2020 1 In the face of this pandemic
SR housing COVID guidance evictions

Tense and Its Relation to Participants

While this paper does not try to present an adequate theory highest verb of the sentence is view-ed as taking place). There are other

  1. appropriate in a sentence verb
  2. use appropriate in a sentence verb