Aethina tumida definition

Guidelines for the surveillance of the small hive beetle (Aethina

13 mars 2015 small hive beetle (Aethina tumida) infestation ... The detection of larvae in bee colonies means that the biological.
Guidelines SHB surveillance EURL

Guidelines for the surveillance of the small hive beetle (Aethina

1 avr. 2016 small hive beetle (Aethina tumida) infestation ... integrated with sentinel nuclei (as defined above) placed as a belt at the border between.
Guidelines SHB surveillance EURL V

Scientific Opinion on the risk of entry of Aethina tumida and

Aethina tumida Tropilaelaps spp.

Le petit coléoptère de la ruche (Aethina - tumida)

10 nov. 2008 1) Définition. Aethina tumida est un insecte de l'ordre des coléoptères originaire ... La nuisance d'Aethina tumida dans la colonie est donc ...
SHB Fiche technique nov

Meeting minutes of the Working Group on Bees Health

30 mai 2012 definition of the areas of expertise needed for each of those ToR. ... Possible risk assessment pathways for the entry of Aethina tumida and ...

Présentation PowerPoint

Utilisé en apiculture pour Aethina tumida et Tropilaelaps spp. relatifs à la définition d'un nouveau cadre juridique de la gouvernance sanitaire en ...
RSC Co Wendling

Definition of a Protocol to Manage and Officially Confirm SHB

6 sept. 2021 Keywords: Aethina tumida; beehive; inspection; honeybee; sentinel colony. 1. Introduction. The Small Hive Beetle (SHB) Aethina tumida ...
applsci v ?version=

Technische Weisungen

mesures à prendre en cas d'infestation par le petit coléoptère de la ruche (Aethina tumida) du 31.03.2015 modifiées le 17.01.2020 et 01.05.2021.
Technische Weisung zu Massnahmen bei Befall mit dem Kleinen Beutekäfer (Aethina tumida) FR

Identification of the Small Hive Beetle Aethina tumida

Survival spread and establishment of the small hive beetle (Aethina

15 déc. 2015 Keywords: Aethina tumida small hive beetle
EFSA opinion survival spread estabilshment small hive beetle