Agitated en español

Psychometric Characteristics and Sociodemographic Adaptation of

8 déc. 2021 Given the importance of psychomotor agitation among the population suffering from a severe mental disorder and Spanish.
Front Psychol v ?sequence=

Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) *

Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) *. Score Term. Description. +4. Combative. Overtly combative violent
RASS Sedation Assessment Tool

Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale – Palliative Version (RASS-PAL)

Very Agitated. Pulls or removes lines (e.g. IV / SC / Oxygen tubing) or catheter(s); aggressive + / - attempting to get out of bed or chair. +2. Agitated.

Managing agitated or aggressive patients - Manejo de paciente

Descriptors: Psychomotor agitation; Aggression; Violence; Emergency Agitated and/or aggressive patients tend to have a low.

L'agitation du quotidien

30 juin 2018 Mariel Acosta et Ernesto Cuba « L'agitation du quotidien »

Versión en español del método para la evaluación de la confusión

Pacientes: Ciento veintinueve adultos con puntuación 4À4 en la Richmond Agitation. Sedation Scale y entre las 24–48 h de admisión en la UCI.

TowerMill de EIRICH Molino de agitación vertical

EIRICH – El pionero en procesamiento de materiales. La multinacional EIRICH Group es un productor de equipamientos líder en tecnología e innovación. Su.

Redalyc.Validación transcultural y lingüística de la escala de

23 juil. 2015 rev colomb anestesiol. 2016;44(3):218–223. 219. Transcultural and linguistic adaptation of the Richmond agitation-sedation scale to spanish.


tors such as the presence of agitation temperature and extraction time in terms of the efficiency of the extraction operation and acidity index of the 
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Managing agitated or aggressive patients - Manejo de paciente

Descriptors: Psychomotor agitation; Aggression; Violence; Emergency Agitated and/or aggressive patients tend to have a low.

  1. agitation español
  2. agitated traducido al español
  3. agitated significado en español
  4. agitate español
  5. agitated traducir español
  6. agitated traduccion español