Al-qaeda dictionary definition

“Strategic management analysis of al qaeda the role of worldwide

08-Jan-2008 Keywords: Al Qaeda strategic management

International Terrorism: Definitions Causes and Responses

Al Qaeda (Arabic for “the Base”) is an organization based in Afghanistan that has a history of terrorist involvement. Al Qaeda is allied to the Taliban.

18-302 Iancu v. Brunetti (06/24/2019)

24-Jun-2019 reflecting support for al-Qaeda (BABY AL QAEDA and. AL-QAEDA on t-shirts) “because the bombing of civilians and other terrorist acts are ...
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“Protected Person” Status in Occupied Iraq Under the Fourth

06-Apr-1991 U.S. 557 629–31 (2006)

Application of the War Crimes Act the Detainee Treatment Act

Dictionary of Terrorism

David Wright-Neville Dictionary of Terrorism (Cambridge


31-Mar-2008 Thus earlier in this current armed conflict against the al Qaeda terrorist network
yoo army torture memo

The President's Private Dictionary: How Secret Definitions

in fact the meaning on which the government is relying may be that torturing al Qaeda terrorists in captivity abroad 'may be justified

How Opium Profits the Taliban

Although there is only fragmentary evidence that al-Qaeda operatives are using drug money to fund themselves in the Afghanistan-Pakistan war theater the 
taliban opium

Terrorism is defined as "the systematic employment of violence and

political demands" (The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 1993) ted the training of terrorists broadly defined as members of al Qaeda to enable.