Aldehyde c16 hs code

International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic

Relationship with product classifications: CPC HS and SITC . In order to arrive at a single ISIC code for these units
seriesm rev e

List of Chemicals Reported for the 2012 Chemical Data Reporting

2-Oxetanone 3-(C14-16 and C16-unsatd. branched Aldehydes
chemical data reporting list alphabetical

D:Custom Tariff as on 02.02.21

Headings 2932 2933 and 2934 do not include epoxides with a three-membered ring

SECTION-VI 233 CHAPTER-29 Organic chemicals 1. Except where

Note 3 to this Chapter shall not be applicable to the sub-heading of this Chapter. Tariff Item. Description of goods. Unit. Rate of duty. Standard. Prefer-.

Chapter 1 Organic Compounds: Alkanes Organic chemistry

Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn such as alcohols ethers
Chapter SPP

Linear Alpha-Olefins

Nov 30 2010 C16-C18. 12. C20+. 14. Typical linear alpha-olefin content ranges from 90.5% to ... of the resultant aldehyde to the respective alcohol in a.
CEH Linear Alpha Olefins sample report

Central Product Classification (CPC) Version 2.1

subheading codes for the Harmonized System as amended in 2012

US EPA - Index of Chemical Names & Pesticide Chemical Codes

Apr 4 2019 Acrylaldehyde. 000701. Acrylic aldehyde. 000701. Allyl aldehyde. 000701. Aqualin. 000701. Crolean. 000701. Magnacide H. 000701. NSC 8819.

Решение Комиссии Таможенного союза от 28 мая 2010 года

Items 3901 - 3914 line of HS Code produced for the first time on the customs territory of the ... artificial protein coatings the total quantity of aldehydes ...
cuc doc