Do Java Programmers Write Better Python? Studying Off-Language

Code quality in Python

A reasonable approach to measuring code quality in your projects. Page 2. Made with by PGS Software. Radosław Ganczarek (Rad). EuroPython 2015 (Bilbao).
TPR sfu code quality in python


successful OWASP Code Review Guide up to date with current threats and it to specify strings to be highlighted in a review (e.g. Python based review ...
OWASP Code Review Guide v

Do Java Programmers Write Better Python? Studying Off-Language

We conclude that programming off-language is not generally associated with better or worse code quality but individual coding conventions are violated more or 
HorschigMattisHirschfeld DoJavaProgrammersWriteBetterPythonStudyingOffLanguageCodeQualityOnGitHub AcmDL

Better Code Better Sharing: On the Need of Analyzing Jupyter

Jupyter notebooks are inundated with poor quality code e.g.

Hyperstyle: A Tool for Assessing the Code Quality of Solutions to

06-Dec-2021 programming languages (Python Java

A large-scale study on research code quality and execution

26-Mar-2021 For testing research code re-execution we use a Docker image with pre-installed conda environment manager
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A Large-Scale Security-Oriented Static Analysis of Python Packages

Static analysis coverage is used in the present work; RQ3 is answered by using the number of lines and files of the Python code scanned by the.

Better Code Better Sharing: On the Need of Analyzing Jupyter

23-May-2020 Software and its engineering → Software verification and validation. KEYWORDS. Python Jupyter Notebooks
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Code review for Beginners and Experts - EuroPython 2019

Software Engineer. • Technical Team Leader. • Author of "Idiomatic Python Performance" (Apress). • Speaker @ EuroPython PyCon UK
LjX u S code review for beginners and experts tips tricks

Scalpel: The Python Static Analysis Framework

[4] many of their studied. Python code snippets extracted from publicly released Jupyter notebooks con- tain poor quality code