How to find if a signal is periodic or not

Chapter 1 Problem-1 Determine whether or not each of the following

Chapter 1. Problem-1 Determine whether or not each of the following signal is periodic and if yes then determine its fundamental period. Answer: 
MT practice

Chameli Devi Group of Institutions Indore Department of Electronics

Example: Determine whether the following signals are periodic or not? If If the signal does not satisfies either the condition for energy signal or the ...
EC SignalSystems Notes

Department of Electrical Engineering School of Science and

Determine whether or not each of the following signals is periodic. If the signal is periodic determine its fundamental period. Please note that the period 
Assignment Solution

ECEN 314: Signals and Systems - Homework 2 Solutions I Reading

6. (1.25) Determine whether or not each of the following continuous-time signals is periodic.If the signal is periodic determine its fundamental period.
Su hw solutions

(Part 1)

Determine whether or not each of the following continuous-time signals is periodic. If the signal is periodic determine its fundamental period.

1 A technique to detect periodic and non-periodic ultra-rapid flux

messages from Extraterrestrial Intelligence as non-periodic signals. know the autocorrelation has never been used for finding non-periodic variations ...

ICH guideline E2C (R2) on periodic benefit-risk evaluation report

determine if changes were needed to the reference safety information* (RSI) in 3 This guideline should not serve to limit the scope of information to be ...
international conference harmonisation technical requirements registration pharmaceuticals human use en

Discrete-Time Sinusoids

Periodicity. Recall if a signal x(t) is periodic then there exists a T > 0 such that x(t) = x(t + T). If no T > 0 can be found
Kundur DstTimeSinusoids

A fully automated periodicity detection in time series

Never- theless the autoperiod method did not detect every periodicities even for non multi-periodic signals autoperiod. This is likely due to the absence of 
AALTD Boussard

Solution Manual for Additional Problems for SIGNALS AND

from the figure that when we let Ts = 0.5 the discrete-time signal keeps the information component is xo(t)=0.5[x(t) − x(−t)] is not periodic.