Worried meaning in english dictionary

Introduction to the B1 Preliminary Vocabulary List

The English Vocabulary Profile shows the most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know in British or. American English. The meaning of 
b preliminary vocabulary list

English Words

The book covers a wide range of topics including the structure of words
Francis Katamba English Words

Misused English words and expressions in EU publications EN 2016

25 mai 2016 English dictionaries ('coherent' being a case in point). Some words are used with more or less the correct meaning but in.


12 janv. 2006 'Observers are worried'. A DICTIONARY OF GHANAIAN. ENGLISH ... raise some issues on sources interpretation and the definition of Ghanaian.
Ghana English dictionary

A2 Key vocabulary list

The English Vocabulary Profile shows the most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know in British or. American English. The meaning of 
a key vocabulary list

Navajo-English Dictionary

Part of the Language Interpretation and Translation Commons Other Languages for inclusion in Navajo - English Dictionary by an authorized administrator ...

English/Urdu Legal Glossary

AFFIRMED - In appellate courts it means that the decision of the trial court is correct. AFTER ACQUIRED INTENT – When the defendant did not intend to commit a 
urdu legal glossary


distraught; ill at ease worried PANGASINAN–ENGLISH DICTIONARY ... to lift by means of a pole or other instrument aksúbi accept

English-Language Development Standards for California Public

Apply knowledge of academic and social vocabulary while reading independently. Be able to use a standard dictionary to find the meanings of unfamil iar words.

TKT teaching knowledge test glossary

TKT GLOSSARY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING (ELT) TERMINOLOGY the meaning of a new structure or item of vocabulary. Concrete adjective.
tkt glossary document

  1. anxious meaning in english dictionary
  2. concerned meaning in english dictionary
  3. afraid meaning in english dictionary