Annexe 5 directive habitat

B DIRECTIVE 92/43/CEE DU CONSEIL du 21 mai 1992 concernant

21 May 1992 directive 91/244/CEE (JO no L 115 du 8. 5. 1991 p. 41). ... l'annexe I et des habitats des espèces figurant à l'annexe II
Directive habitats version consolidee

Brussels 01.10.2015 ANNEXES 1 to 2 ANNEXES to the Report from

1 Oct 2015 5 Habitats Directive Art. 1(l) and Birds Directive
marine protected areas annex

Brussels 01.10.2015 ANNEXES 1 to 2 ANNEXES to the Report from

1 Oct 2015 5 Habitats Directive Art. 1(l) and Birds Directive
marine protected areas annex


DH5 : directive habitats annexe 5. -. BE2 : convention de Berne annexe 2
FR taxo HabitatsFauneFlore

Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora

1 . Directive as last amended by. Directive 91 / 244/ECC (OJ No L 115 8 . 5. 1991

Extraits des Directives « HabitatsFaune

Annexes A–F to: State of nature in the EU

State of nature in the EU - Annexes 5 the Habitats Directive pressures and threats are reported separately see Chapter 3). This means it is.

B COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the

1 Jan 2007 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora ... 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds(5).


Annexe II-7 : Liste et statuts des oiseaux des annexes de la Directive Oiseaux et de la Directive Habitats Faune Flore (CEE 92/43. Tome 5. 4. Annexe I-1 ...
tome cle ceca


SUMMARY OF MODIFICATIONS TO THE ANNEXES OF THE HABITATS DIRECTIVE. (92/43/EEC) 5. Amendments for X or △ to Annex… Species name. II IV V.
habitats summary