Another word for wrongfully taken

Draft articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful

mutatis mutandis for other “sources” of international ob- ligations

TKT teaching knowledge test glossary

Taking part and being involved and interested in something. The opposite of another word e.g. hot is an antonym of cold. See synonym.
tkt glossary document

Misused English words and expressions in EU publications EN 2016

May 25 2016 This is a dangerous path to take

Children who are wrongfully removed or retained in another country

When is removal or retention wrongful? Does a parent with joint custody have the right to take the child ... In other words one of the parents.

English Words

Yet surprisingly
Francis Katamba English Words

Addendum - the internationally wrongful act of th

action against another. State is taken the expected wrongful use of force by ... other words
a cn add

Word Usage in Scientific Writing

grammar word usage
Word Usage in Scientific Writing

A glossary of terms used in payments and settlement systems

funds on his account at a deposit-taking institution (may sometimes be combined with another function eg that of a cash card or cheque guarantee card). Red 

Gender-Sensitive Language

Check a thesaurus for alternatives to gendered nouns not included in this list. gendered noun man freshman mankind man-made the common man to man chairman.
gender sensitive language

What's Wrong with Exploitation?

wrongful. Taking advantage thus becomes unfair only when one agent gains at the expense of another. Exploiting one's own traits is not unfair because there 

  1. another word for taken unlawfully