Other word for unjust

An Unjust Burden: The Disparate Treatment of Black Americans in

black people at greater levels than do members of other racial and ethnic groups is sometimes colloquially referred to as “black-on-black crime.” The term 
for the record unjust burden racial disparities


other.'1 Goff & Jones on Restitution takes the same line. Every edition has opened with the words 'The law of restitution is the law relating to all.

What Is Unjust Enrichment?

claimant in other words the enrichment was 'unjust'. By definition

Was Iraq an unjust war? A debate on the Iraq war and reflections on

In other words is the war in question likely to bring about more good than harm? So how does the Iraq war fare against these criteria?

Martin Luther King Jr. on Just and Unjust Laws

This activity explores the question: How did Dr. King define an unjust law? word to students along with a dictionary definition. ... Let me give another.
MLK on Just and Unjust Laws Activity

Unjust Enrichment

the principle of unjust enrichment as well as of other principles of private The acceptance

James Barr Ames and the Early Modem - History of Unjust Enrichment

contract and constructive trust as alternative responses to the problem of In other words they ought not to be permitted unjustly to enrich themselves ...

The Ethics of Killing in War* Jeff McMahan

It is perhaps more natural to use the term 'unjust combatant' to refer to anyone who fight in a war that has a just cause but is unjust for some other.

Hamlett's and Abad's Three Claims

action the reader should take; in other words it is an argument (claim) about an Since it is inequitable administered
hamletts and abads three claims

The Scope and Structure of Unjust Enrichment

represents Birks's last words on the subject. Readers of the first edition will tion for something other than unjust enrichment even when restitution.

  1. another word for unjust
  2. another word for unjustified
  3. another word for unjust enrichment
  4. another word for injustice
  5. other words for injustice
  6. another word for unjust treatment
  7. other term for unjust enrichment
  8. another word for unjust prejudice