Another word for exact definition

TKT teaching knowledge test glossary

A thesaurus is a type of dictionary in which words with similar meanings are grouped together. Differentiate verb differentiation noun. To make or see a 
tkt glossary document

Misused English words and expressions in EU publications EN 2016

25 mai 2016 Some words are used with more or less the correct meaning but in ... these; another is almost certainly the unusual use of the term ...

Basic Synonyms in English you should know.pdf

Synonyms are words that are similar or have a related meaning
Basic Synonyms in English you should know

Word Usage in Scientific Writing

grammar word usage
Word Usage in Scientific Writing

Equity vs. Equality: What's the Difference?

allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. However equality and equity as noted above are not synonyms
equality v. equity

Connotation and Denotation

meaning and give an example of a word (such as "chicken") Words convey more than exact
Sep Connotation Denotation

Direct Quotations:2 Definition:​​Direct Quotations ​are another

19 mai 2016 Definition:​​Direct Quotations ​are another person's exact words—either spoken or in print—incorporated into your writing. RULE: EXAMPLE:.

An Indo-European Prefix *ṇ- 'Together with'

In the Greek vocabulary there are a number of words with a prefix a- which To find a more exact definition of this case we analyze another word con-.

Proximity Operators

13 janv. 2009 different word order significantly alters meaning. ... want a close relationship between words without specifying an exact proximity.


Synonym or. Restatement. The author uses a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a sentence.
Context Clues Types Chart

  1. another word for precise definition
  2. another word for simple definition
  3. another word for accurate definition
  4. another word for correct definition
  5. another term for simple definition