Another word for to change slowly

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Sound horn and proceed Slow down sound horn and pass. Stop the vehicle and wait another vehicle is about to enter the ... changing the gear apply brake.
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One of the key looming issues for GT 2030 was “how other powers would respond to a Africa will gradually replace Asia as the region with the highest ...

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other drivers changing lanes and/or toll employees crossing the lanes. you must drive slower where signs indicate a school zone.
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FAO's vision transformative change in agriculture and food systems are required growth in other low- and middle-income countries has been much slower
i e


other words countries with different cultural and historical paths must find within their existing slow-moving institutions the roots for changes in their 

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decline in Arctic sea ice and other climate-related changes. For example
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  1. another word to replace slowly
  2. another word for slow change over time
  3. another word for slow to change