Another word for correcting something

TKT teaching knowledge test glossary

Accuracy is the use of correct forms of grammar vocabulary
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Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

the other is another language another culture

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Another student stated gleefully "Without your assist in algebra
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Spelling Correction in Context

Introduction. The goal is to correct real-word errors. They occur when one or more modifications of a word transform it into another word which is present 
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Language training on the vocabulary of judicial cooperation in

8 nov. 2010 work with the express intention of stealing something. ... Fill in the blanks with synonyms of the words in brackets.
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33 - A list of expressions in English

1.1.3 Correcting a person's Replacing a word you don't know with another more generic term. Thing. ... something. What is the English word for.

Common Mistakes in Filling in the Application Form and How to

The Court cannot just take the word of applicants for If an applicant misses something out in the application form or omits a relevant document the.
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Birth Certificate Correction Application

Hospital or medical facility where the person named on the birth certificate was born. How Do I Make a Correction? ☐ Complete and sign this application.
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Synonyms: run (something) into the ground. The expression is usually used to describe verbal communication. BEAT A HASTY RETREAT to run very fast in the 
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English Words

To take another example a number of words ending in -ist
Francis Katamba English Words

  1. another word for fix something
  2. another word for fix something up
  3. another word for trying to fix something