Another word for frightening situation

Fear: Body Alert!

Note that there is variation in the things that frighten different people because people can learn to be afraid of situations. There is much less variation in 
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Fear: Body Alert!

List at least four things or situations that trigger your Synonyms: foreboding apprehension
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Emotional changes after stroke.pdf

since your stroke or you feel different
Emotional changes after stroke


sensitive to the circumstances in which a word is used can the reader decide upon an appropriate There are several different types of context clues.
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Outbreak Communication

to another influenza pandemic than at any time since 1968 when the last. Foreword the public during an especially frightening situation.
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"Frightening Disinterestedness": The Personal Circumstances of

ments of another close friend Scofield Thayer

The Bogeyman: Some Preliminary Observations on Frightening

to the development of the study of frightening figures itself and cerning bogey and other words of similar linguistic form are so.

The “Uncanny”1 MIT

what is “uncanny” is frightening precisely because it is not known and familiar. among its different shades of meaning the word heimlich.

Dangerous Situations: Social Context and Fear of Victimization

when one person stands in fear of another. The constant term of nearly nine attests to the frightening character of this situation; recall that the ...

Supreme Court of Missouri

29 mai 2012 frighten intimidate

  1. another word for horrible situation
  2. another word for scary situation
  3. another word for terrifying situation
  4. another word for creepy situation