Caprifoliaceae fruit

Lianes et Plantes Grimpantes des Néotropiques : Caprifoliacées

FRUITS . Une baie à quelques graines chez Lonicera ou un akène indéhiscent à une seule graine avec une couronne de sépales plumeux acescents.

Winged Fruits of Linnaeeae (Caprifoliaceae) in the Tertiary of

rather than just one fruit per dispersal unit

Effects of Fruit Crop Size on Intensity of Fruit Removal in Viburnum

Viburnum prunifolium (Caprifoliaceae) by comparing the "survival" distributions of fruit from plants with large crops to those with small crops.

Winged Fruits of Linnaeeae (Caprifoliaceae) in the Tertiary of

occurred during or prior to the late Eocene. The fossil record of Caprifoliaceae is reviewed and previous reports of fossil Abelia fruits are discounted.

Use of Viburnum Opulus L.(Caprifoliaceae) in Dyeing and

23 nov. 2019 sources “cranberry fruit” and “cranberry fruit branch extract” in dyeing processes. The dyeing experiments were carried out at two different ...
Use of Viburnum Opulus L Caprifoliaceae in Dyeing and Antibacterial Finishing of Cotton

Flora of Panama. Part IX. Family 180. Caprifoliaceae

medicinal purposes and some yield dyes. A number of species have edible fruits. From the viewpoint of toxicity however

Unraveling the Phylogeny of Heptacodium and Zabelia

placed Heptacodium in Caprifoliaceae comprising the gen era Sambucus and Viburnum in logical aspect of the study combines pollen


Keywords: Dipsacales Adoxaceae

Insect pollinators of haskap ( Lonicera caerulea L.: Caprifoliaceae

L.: Caprifoliaceae) in subarctic Canada of land north of 60˚N for fruits and berries doubled from ... patible varieties to set fruit (Bors et al. 2012).

Birds and Guelder Rose Viburnum opulus: Selective Consumption

rose Viburnum opulus ( Caprifoliaceae ) consommation de fruits par les oiseaux dans une zone du nord-ouest de l'Espagne. Les fruits de la rose de Gueldre sont des drupes subglobuleuses qui peuvent dépasser.

  1. caprifoliacées fruit