Cement example sentence

Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery for Cement valid as of 1

Upon delivery of bulk cement the supply plant shall issue a delivery note exists
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A blueprint for a climate friendly cement industry

Compared to a business-as-usual scenario the reduction options are even more impressive: the avoided CO2 emissions amount to 90% compared to the situation in a.
englishsummary lr pdf

POP's emissions from the Cement Industry – a global overview

23 janv. 2006 The first sample collected from a cement kiln stack measured 4.2 ng I- ... following sentence is quoted from the report: “23

Extracting Sense-Disambiguated Example Sentences From Parallel

Example Sentence Extraction Parallel Corpora

Resource Efficiency Challenge econsense

recycling are essential. Three current examples of BMBF funded projects are outlined below. Project example 1: Resource efficiency through “green“ cement.
econsense Ressource Efficiency Challenge

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 14.7.2021 COM(2021) 564

14 juil. 2021 to paragraph 2 second sentence
carbon border adjustment mechanism


noun and its use in a sentence is the determining factor when considering which The noun “cement” is uncountable because a number cannot be used to ...
Articles and Nouns

NSR Examples

Facility J. A cement kiln is located in the State of Mississippi. The State of Mississippi recently adopted its version (which happens to be an exact copy 


19 juin 1998 imports of portland cement from Mexico with Guatemala's obligations under the ... complainant in a dispute before the WTO is the Member ...

Final GEIS (Comment-Response Table CR18-CR33) on the Oil Gas

wells are protected by the drilling casing and cementing The example given is relevant to the issues discussed in this sentence.
cr cr

  1. concrete example sentence
  2. cement in a sentence
  3. cement sentence examples
  4. cement in a sentence verb
  5. cement sample sentences
  6. cement in a sentence noun
  7. clement example sentences
  8. cement in a sentence easy