Change font size latex document class

Changing the font size in LaTeX

The AMS document classes have a few more font sizes than the basic classes though not as many as extsizes. It's always good to check the class documentation to 
tb thurnherr

REVTEX 4 Command and Options Summary

documentclass line are marked with square brackets. Set font size. [preprint] gives [12pt] ... Invoke emergency processing to avoid the LATEX error.
revtex command summary

How to Use the IEEEtran LATEX Class

25 févr. 2002 Changing the paper size will not alter the typesetting of the document — only the margins will be affected. In particular documents using ...

The amsart amsproc

Make Writing Scientific Reports Papers


Required are LATEX<1995/06/01> and dvips. Contents of the package: a0poster.cls the class file a0size.sty adaption of the font sizes a0 eng.tex this manual.
a poster

Using the exam document class

14 août 2022 To use the exam document class your documentclass command should be ... argument to decrease the width of the text area

How to Use the IEEEtran LaTeX Class

25 févr. 2002 Changing the paper size in the standard journal and conference modes will not alter the typesetting of the document—only the margins will be ...

Formatting documents in APA style (7th Edition) with the apa7

with the apa7 LATEX class 7.3 User-defined Font Size . ... formatting solutions (e.g. the apa6 LATEX class) inadequate for venues in which.

TUGboat Volume 35 (2014)