Dairy Science and Technology (CRC 2005)

Protein casein


curriculum of food science and technology

Food lipids: chemistry nutrition and biotechnology
Food Technology

Lactose in dairy ingredients: Effect on processing and storage

(2005) for stickiness of amorphous lactose powder who observed indeed the temperature difference above the glass transition temperature was the dominant factor 

Dairy Science and Technology Second Edition

Jan T. M. Wouters. Tom J. Geurts. Dairy Science and Technology. Second Edition. A CRC title part of the Taylor & Francis imprint
Dairy Science and Technology (CRC )

Structure rearrangement during rennet coagulation of milk modifies

and density of inoculated and noninoculated milk curds 2005. Dairy. Science and Technology. CRC Press Boca Raton

Drying in the Dairy Industry: From Established Technologies to

Description: Boca Raton : CRC Press 2021. Series: Advances in drying science & technologies

Modifications of structures and functions of caseins: a scientific and

26 mars 2016 Dairy Science & Technology EDP sciences/Springer

Chemical interactions among caseins during rennet coagulation of

ent in casein micelles in milk were substituted by elec- 2005. Cheese manufac- ture. Pages 583–639 in Dairy Science and Technology. ... CRC Press.

RP-HPLC determination of Furosine in fermented milk of different

13 août 2019 Pieter Walstra Jan TM Wouters


Probiotic Dairy Beverages: Microbiology and Technology ...... 165 ... Tamime A.Y.


  1. dairy science and technology
  2. dairy science

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