Data center arctique

Compte rendu du 18 e Congrès d'Études Inuit

congrès organisé par le Arctic Studies Center de la Smithsonian Serreze

On the Arctic Seasonal Cycle

of seasonal melt-freeze transitions over Arctic sea ice using ASCAT Re- data are provided by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (Cavalieri et al.

A comprehensive in situ and remote sensing data set from the Arctic

The Arctic Cloud Observations Using Airborne Measurements during Polar Day calibrated and validated data are published in the world data center PANGAEA ...

The Arctic: Opportunities Concerns and Challenges

20 Feb 2019 North Pole and Arctic Circle partly covered in sea ... and Ice Data Center in Boulder Colorado 03. March 2015).

State of the Arctic

National Snow and Ice Data Center Boulder

National Arctic Policies

Canada's Arctic and Northern research community is highly diverse and decentralized Netherlands Polar Data Center: Up-to-date overview of polar research ...
ASM National Arctic Policies

L'essor des activités économiques en Arctique : impact des

15 Jan 2021 C'est dans la région arctique que les impacts des changements ... in the Arctic National Snow and Ice Data Center

Freshening leads to a three-decade trend of declining nutrients in

8 Apr 2021 occurred in Arctic Ocean nutrient dynamics is unclear but important to know. The major ... Arctic and Antarctic Data Center ...

Imagerie satellite

Polarview: imagerie radar de l'Antarctique et de l'Arctique en projection Ice Data Center: cartes et données sur l'étendue de la banquise arctique et.
listes liens ressources visuelles earth breath

A comprehensive in situ and remote sensing data set from the Arctic

The Arctic Cloud Observations Using Airborne Measurements during Polar Day calibrated and validated data are published in the world data center PANGAEA ...
essd manuscript version