Data Mining With Decision Trees


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Rokach Lior. Data mining with decision trees : theory and applications / by Lior Rokach (Ben-Gurion.
Data Mining with Decision Trees Theory and Applications ( nd ed.) [Rokach & Maimon ]

Analysis of Various Decision Tree Algorithms for Classification in

Thus data mining accelerates the pace of making informed decisions. There are six classes in data mining namely Anomaly Detection. Association Rule Learning
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Establishing risk and targeting profiles using data mining: Decision

The Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) decision tree method was selected for the purposes of this paper to determine the customs risk factors 
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Mining Student Data Using Decision Trees

Key Words: Data Mining Classification

Mining Student Data Using Decision Trees

Key Words: Data Mining Classification

Classification: Basic Concepts Decision Trees

Data Mining: A prediction for Student's Performance Using Decision

This paper discusses use of decision trees in educational data mining. Decision tree algorithms are applied on students' past performance data to generate the 
Data Mining A prediction for Students Performance Using Decision Tree

Data Mining Classification: Basic Concepts Decision Trees

A Survey on Decision Tree Algorithms of Classification in Data Mining

Decision tree classification technique is one of the most popular data mining techniques. In decision tree divide and conquer technique is used as basic 

Decision Trees for Analytics Using SAS® Enterprise Miner™

of data mining and machine learning in the years to come. For example one new form of the decision tree involves the creation of random forests.

  1. data mining with decision trees theory and applications
  2. data mining with decision trees theory and applications 2nd edition
  3. data mining decision tree example
  4. data mining decision tree algorithm
  5. data mining decision tree induction
  6. data mining techniques decision tree
  7. data mining classification decision tree
  8. proactive data mining with decision trees