Data production

Data Production Methods for Harmonised Patent Statistics: Patentee

(2006) Data Production Methods for Harmonized Patent Indicators: Patentee Name Harmonization. Eurostat. Working Paper and Studies Luxembourg.

Data Production Methods for Harmonised Patent Statistics: Patentee

(2006) Data Production Methods for Harmonized Patent Indicators: Patentee Name Harmonization. Eurostat. Working Paper and Studies Luxembourg.

Data Production in a Digitised Age: The need to establish successful

4.4.3 dobby the BBk-RDSC's high-performance and streamlined data production pipeline . 17. 4.4.4 RDSC Contract Generator .
workflows data

Production des donnees >. Les Big Data et algorithmes au regard

15 nov. 2018 Production des données « Production de la société ». Les Big Data et algorithmes au regard des Sciences de l'information et de la.

Industrial production up by 0.8% in the euro area and by 0.6% in the

13 juil. 2022 goods by 1.3% and intermediate goods by 0.2% while production of energy fell by 3.5%. Among Member States for which data are available
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Learning Outcomes: Data production

Concept Note – Data production LOS. Acronyms. ASER: Annual Status of Education Report. CLA: Catalog of Learning Assessments. CNA: Cross-national assessments.
CN LOS DataProduction

Learning Outcomes: Data production

Learning outcome: data production. Concept Note – Data production LOS. Acronyms. ASER: Annual Status of Education Report. CLA: Catalog of Learning 
CN LOS DataProduction

Moving From Data Production to Impact: A Discussion on the Role of

11 févr. 2022 Co-Conveners: SDSN TReNDS Open Data Watch
M UNSC Data Use Side Event Concept Note

Production Frontiers and Panel Data

Production Frontiers and Panel Data. Peter Schmidt. Department of Economics Michigan State University

Food composition data

Thus the guidelines are backed by a consensus in the community of those responsible for the production and use of food composition tables and nutrient databases 
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