Crucigrama spanish crossword puzzle answer key

Spanish for Kids Crossword Puzzle - Fish

Peces Crustáceos
fish crossword

Spanish for Kids Crossword Puzzle - Mammals

Mamíferos Crucigrama. Answer Key. Across. 3. CUERPOESPINA—Porcupine. 5. CABALLO—Horse. 6. ZORRO—Fox. 10. CASTOR—Beaver. 13. JIRAFA—Giraffe. 15. VACA—Cow.
mammals crossword

Bird Vocabulary Crossword in Spanish

Pájaros Crucigrama. Answer Key. Across. 5. PÁJARO CARPINTERO—Woodpecker. 8. PELICANO—Pelican. 12. AVESTRUZ—Ostrich. 14. PAVO—Turkey. 16. BUITRE—Vulture.
birds crossword

Spanish for Kids Crossword Puzzle - Insects

Insectos Crucigrama. Answer key. Across. 1. CUCARACHA—Cockroach. 5. CHINCHE—Bedbugs. 6. CIEMPIÉS—Centipede. 9. ESCORPIÓN—Scorpion. 10. MOSQUITO—Mosquito.
insects crossword

Repaso L A P I E R V Z E N U L S S T A C I O N E

1 août 2009 Fill in the crossword puzzle with the Spanish translation of the English words given below. © Pearson Education Inc. All rights reserved. 10 ...
ch p b review packet answers

Spanish Crossword Puzzle - Animal Vocabulary

Translate the clue from either Spanish to English or. English to Spanish. Spanish Vocabulary. Animals Crossword Puzzle ... Answer Key. Animals Crossword ...

Colors in Spanish Crossword Puzzle

Colores Crucigrama. Translate the clue into Spanish to get the answer. Page 2. Colores Crucigrama. Answer Key. Across. 6. AMARILLO—Yellow. 8. ROSADO—Pink.
colors crossword

Spanish Crossword Puzzle for Reptiles and Amphibians

Anfibios y Reptiles Crucigrama. Answer Key. Across. 1. SALAMANDRA—Salamander. 6. LAGARTO—Lizard. 8. CULEBRA—Snake. 10. ANFIBIO—Amphibian. Down. 1. SAPO—Toad.
reptiles amphibians crossword

Spanish Crossword Puzzle - Deportes Crucigrama

Deportes Crucigrama. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Page 2. Deportes Crucigrama. Answer Key.
sports crossword

Spanish for Kids Crossword Puzzle - Monsters

Criaturas de Fantasía y Monstruos Crucigrama. Answer Key. Across. 1. DRAGÓN—Dragón. 3. MEDUSA—Medusa. 6. CÍCLOPE—Cíclope. 8. ESPANTO—Ghost. 10. ORCO—Orc.
monsters crossword