Culture intensive et extensive

Extensive and semi-intensive culture of prawn and shrimp in the

Prawns and shrimps lose appe- tite at oxygen level of 3 ppm and below hence lablab is not considered a good natural food for prawns unlike milkfish. (Apud et 
ficcpps p

Economic Efficiency of Extensive and Intensive Shrimp Production

10 mar 2020 Thap et al. [38] used double-bootstrap DEA to estimate and explain the technical efficiency of intensive whiteleg shrimp farming in Ninh Thuan ...

Primary factors influencing sheep welfare in intensive and extensive

Modern intensive and extensive farming systems create field of animal welfare Duncan et al

Grassland resources for extensive farming systems in marginal

attractiveness of extensive systems against intensive agriculture. Mediterranean grasslands by the definition of Peeters et al.
EGF proceedingsFULL rid

Extensive and Intensive Iconography. Goethe's Faust Outlined

23 set 2004 Comment évaluer les multiples les copies et les réinterprétations authentiques dans la culture impri- mée moderne ? Evanghelia Stead. UVSQ ...

Extensive and semi-intensive culture of sugpo (Penaeus monodon

2 lug 2013 The break- through in the mass production of prawn fry at MSU-IFRD Naawan

Technical and financial feasibility for intensification of the extensive

2 dic 2021 for both extensive and intensive culture of P. monodon culture and extensive production of L. vannamei in Vietnam is available (Boyd et al..

Intensive ou extensive : quelle agriculture pour favoriser la

sur des terres et des cultures intensives pour conserver plus d'espaces naturels riches en bio- diversité à côté

The relative roles of intensive and extensive agriculture in

has led to abandonment of agricultural land (Smith Gregory et al.
sparing and sharing final ( )

  1. production extensive intensive
  2. définition culture intensive et extensive