Different explain plan same sql oracle

The Oracle Optimizer – Explain The Explain Plan

Examining the different aspects of an execution plan from selectivity to parallel The same example can be written in ANSI SQL as T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN.
twp explain the explain plan

White Paper

The Oracle Optimizer is a cost-based optimizer. The execution plan selected for a SQL statement is just one of the many alternative execution plans considered 
oracle explain the explain

The Optimizer in Oracle Database 19c

13 mars 2019 execution plan for each SQL statement based on the structure of the ... between the different plan baselines captured for the same query?
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COOL performance optimization using Oracle hints - CERN Indico

8 juil. 2008 Execution plan instabilities (same SQL different plans). • Observe (causes: unreliable statistics
COOL hints

Real-Time SQL Monitoring

the execution plan of the SQL statement being monitored. This data is visible in the V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR view. Similar to the V$SQL_MONITOR view.
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Oracle® Database - Database Heterogeneous Connectivity User's

SQL Statements Can Query Several Different Databases non-Oracle system uses the same SQL dialect and the same data dictionary structure.
heterogeneous connectivity users guide

Oracle XML DB HOL Manual

Monitoring XQuery execution using “Explain Plan”. SQL Developer can be used to examine the execution plans for XQuery expressions in the same.
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Oracle® Database - Heterogeneous Connectivity User's Guide

1 févr. 2018 SQL Statements Can Query Several Different Databases ... non-Oracle system uses the same SQL dialect and the same data dictionary structure.
heterogeneous connectivity users guide

SQL Plan Management in Oracle Database 19c

13 mars 2019 (which can include the execution plan). You can also export SQL tuning sets from a database and import them into another. One or.
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SQL Plan Management with Oracle Database 12c Release 2

and execution context (which can include the execution plan). You can also export SQL tuning sets from a database and import them into another.
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