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Similar to an arithmetic sequence, a geometric sequence is determined completely by the first term a, and the common ratio r Thus, if we know the first two terms of a geometric sequence, then we can find the equation for the nth term

[PDF] Geometric Sequences

is a geometric sequence because the ratio between each term is 1 r 3 = - Determining If a Sequence is Geometric Suppose we are giving a formula for a 


Any term of a geometric sequence of common ratio is obtained from the term by the relation a r a Example 4 Gill Bate's personal fortune doubles every year If the 

[PDF] Notes: Geometric Sequences

In a geometric sequence, the ratio of successive terms is the same number r, called the common ratio I What is a Geometric Sequence? Page 3 Ex 1: Find the 

[PDF] Determine whether each sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or

Each bounce has 70 eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 4 7-7 Geometric Sequences as Exponential Functions Page 5 The 9th term of the 

[PDF] Arithmetic and geometric sequences - Cambridge University Press

How do we distinguish graphically between an arithmetic and a geometric sequence? 9 1 Sequences We call a list of numbers written down in succession a 

[PDF] GEOMETRIC SEQUENCES - Virtual Learning Academy

different types of patterns represented in geometric sequences You will also discern the difference between an arithmetic sequence and a geometric sequence

[PDF] Sequences, Series, and Probability

series The formula for the sum of a finite geometric sequence can, depending on the value of r, be extended to produce a

[PDF] Geometric Sequences

A Geometric Sequence is formed when each term after the first is obtained by multiplying the same constant, r, called the common ratio, by the previous term

[PDF] Arithmetic and geometric progressions - Mathcentre

mcTY-apgp-2009-1 This unit introduces sequences and series, and gives some simple examples of each It also explores particular types of sequence known 

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