libye kadhafi

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  • Qu'est-ce que la théorie de Kadhafi ?

    Le résultat de la théorie de Kadhafi, soulignée par une intolérance absolue à l'égard de la dissidence ou des voix alternatives, est dangereuse pour la société libyenne, avec l'éradication de tous les vestiges de constitutionnalité, de société civile et de participation politique authentique.

  • Qui a tué Kadhafi ?

    Cela fait dix ans que le dictateur libyen Mouammar Kadhafi a été tué par les rebelles libyens lors de la révolte de 2011. Peu de gens, en Libye et à l'extérieur, avaient prévu le chaos et les guerres qui allaient s'emparer du pays après sa chute. Les Libyens ne marquent pas publiquement le jour de la mort du colonel Kadhafi.

  • Pourquoi Kadhafi a-t-il manifesté avec le peuple libyen ?

    Lorsque les premiers appels à un "jour de rage" libyen ont circulé, Kadhafi s'est engagé - apparemment très sérieusement - à manifester avec le peuple, conformément à son mythe de "frère leader de la révolution" qui a depuis longtemps cédé le pouvoir au peuple.

  • Quelle est la philosophie politique de Kadhafi ?

    Son règne l'a vu passer du statut de héros révolutionnaire à celui de paria international, puis de partenaire stratégique apprécié, avant de redevenir un paria. Kadhafi a développé sa propre philosophie politique, écrivant un livre si influent - aux yeux de son auteur, du moins - qu'il éclipse tout ce qu'ont pu imaginer Platon, Locke ou Marx.


Muammar al-Qaddafi (born 1942, near Sirte, Libya—died October 20, 2011, Sirte) de facto leader of Libya (1969–2011). Qaddafi had ruled for more than four decades when he was ousted by a revolt in August 2011. After evading capture for several weeks, he was killed by rebel forces in October 2011.

Rise to power, policies, and The Green Book

The son of an itinerant Bedouin farmer, Qaddafi was born in a tent in the Libyan desert. He proved a talented student and graduated from the University of Libya in 1963. A devout Muslim and ardent Arab nationalist, Qaddafi early began plotting to overthrow the Libyan monarchy of King Idris I. He graduated from the Libyan military academy in 1965 and thereafter rose steadily through the ranks, all the while continuing to plan a coup with the help of his fellow army officers. On September 1, 1969, Qaddafi seized control of the government in a military coup that deposed King Idris. Qaddafi was named commander in chief of the armed forces and chairman of Libya’s new governing body, the Revolutionary Command Council. Britannica Quiz African Leaders: Part Two Qaddafi removed the U.S. and British military bases from Libya in 1970. He expelled most members of the native Italian and Jewish communities from Libya that same year, and in 1973 he nationalized all foreign-owned petroleum assets in the country. He outlawed alcoholic beverages and gambling, in accordance with his own strict Islamic principles. Qaddafi also began a series of persistent but unsuccessful attempts to unify Libya with other Arab countries. He was adamantly opposed to negotiations with Israel and became a leading figure in the Arab world in the rejection of the Egyptian-Israeli peace process. He earned a reputation for military adventurism; his government was implicated in several abortive coup attempts in Egypt and Sudan, and Libyan forces persistently intervened in the long-running civil war in neighbouring Chad.

Foreign relations, Lockerbie bombing, and sanctions

Meanwhile, Qaddafi was becoming known for his erratic and unpredictable behaviour on the international scene. His government financed a broad spectrum of groups worldwide that sought revolutionary objectives of their own, including the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam in the United States and the Irish Republican Army in Northern Ireland. Squads of Libyan agents assassinated émigré opponents abroad, and his government was allegedly involved in several bloody terrorist incidents in Europe perpetrated by Palestinian or other Arab extremists. These activities brought him into growing conflict with the U.S. government, and in April 1986 a force of British-based U.S. warplanes bombed several sites in Libya, killing or wounding several of his children and narrowly missing Qaddafi himself. Libya’s purported involvement in the destruction of a civilian airliner in 1988 over Lockerbie, Scotland, led to United Nations (UN) and U.S. sanctions that further isolated Qaddafi from the international community. In the late 1990s, however, Qaddafi turned over the alleged perpetrators of the bombing to international authorities. UN sanctions against Libya were subsequently lifted in 2003, and, following Qaddafi’s announcement that Libya would cease its unconventional weapons program, the United States dropped most of its sanctions as well. Although some observers remained critical, these measures provided an opportunity for the rehabilitation of Qaddafi’s image abroad and facilitated his country’s gradual return to the global community. Are you a student? Get Britannica Premium for only $24.95 - a 67% discount Subscribe Now

Libyan revolt of 2011

In February 2011, after antigovernment demonstrations forced Presidents Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak from power in the neighbouring countries of Tunisia and Egypt, anti-Qaddafi demonstrations broke out in the Libyan city of Benghazi. As the protests spread throughout the country, the Qaddafi regime attempted to violently suppress them, directing police and mercenary forces to fire live ammunition at protesters and ordering attacks by artillery, fighter jets, and helicopter gunships against demonstration sites. Foreign government officials and international human rights groups condemned the regime’s assault on the protesters. Qaddafi’s violent tactics also alienated senior figures in the Libyan government. The Libyan minister of justice resigned in protest, and a number of senior Libyan diplomats either resigned or issued statements of support for the uprising. On February 22 Qaddafi delivered a rambling defiant speech on state television, refusing to step down and calling the demonstrators traitors and saboteurs. He claimed that the opposition had been directed by al-Qaeda and that the protesters had been under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs. He urged his supporters to defend him by fighting protesters. Qaddafi’s hold on power appeared increasingly weak as the opposition forces gained strength. By the end of February, opposition forces had established control over large amounts of Libyan territory, encircling Tripoli, where Qaddafi remained in control but in growing isolation. In interviews with Western media on February 28, Qaddafi insisted that he was still well loved by the Libyan people and denied that the regime had used violence against the demonstrators. He repeated his claim that the opposition in Libya had been organized by al-Qaeda. As the opposition gained strength, international pressure for Qaddafi to step down increased. On February 26 the UN Security Council unanimously approved a measure that included sanctions against the Qaddafi regime, imposing a travel ban and an arms embargo and freezing the Qaddafi family’s assets. On February 28 the United States announced that it had frozen $30 billion in Libyan assets linked to Qaddafi. Although international opposition to Qaddafi’s actions continued to build, his forces seemed to regain the upper hand in Libya, retaking many of the areas that had been taken by the rebels early in the conflict. As Qaddafi’s forces advanced on Benghazi, the UN Security Council voted on March 17 to authorize military intervention to protect civilians. The ensuing air campaign, led by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), inflicted significant damage on pro-Qaddafi forces but did not decisively tip the balance in favor of the rebels, leading to an apparent stalemate between the two forces. In late March the Qaddafi regime was shaken by the defection of two senior Libyan officials, Moussa Koussa and Ali Abdussalam el-Treki, both members of Qaddafi’s inner circle. Despite those setbacks, Qaddafi appeared to remain firmly in control in Tripoli, stating publicly that he would resist any attempt to remove him from power. Pro-Qaddafi forces continued to operate in spite of the NATO air campaign. On April 30 a NATO air strike on Qaddafi’s Bāb al-ʿAzīziyyah compound in Tripoli killed Qaddafi’s youngest son, Sayf al-Arab, and three of Qaddafi’s grandchildren. Qaddafi, reportedly in the targeted house at the time of the attack, escaped without injury. Following the air strike, NATO denied that it had adopted a strategy of trying to kill Qaddafi. In early March the International Criminal Court (ICC) had announced that it would open an investigation into possible crimes against humanity by Qaddafi and his supporters. On May 16 the ICC called for arrest warrants to be issued against Qaddafi, along with his son Sayf al-Islam and the Libyan intelligence chief, Abdullah Senussi, for ordering attacks on civilians during the uprising; the arrest warrants, for crimes against humanity, were issued on June 27.

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PDF LIBYE Trente ans après l'arrivée au pouvoir de Mouammar Kadhafi

PDF Libye – Historique « Après Kadhafi le déluge » par Michèle Laugel

PDF Fiche d'information sur l'affaire - Le Procureur c Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi



PDF Mort de Kadhafi - CF2R

PDF Les defis et enjeux securitaires dans l'espace sahelo-saharien - la

Qui a bombardé la Libye ?

Des avions américains bombardent des cibles libyennes en guise de représailles contre des actes terroristes auxquels la Libye, et son président Mouammar Kadhafi, seraient liés.

Qui a déclenché la guerre de Libye ?

La première guerre civile libyenne, ou révolution libyenne, est un conflit armé issu d'un mouvement de contestation populaire, assorti de revendications sociales et politiques, qui s'est déroulé entre le 15 février et le 23 octobre 2011 en Libye.

Quelle est l'histoire de la Libye ?

De la domination turque à l'occupation italienne Les Grecs désignaient sous le nom de « Libye » une vaste région d'Afrique aux limites indéterminées.
. Colonisé tour à tour par les Phéniciens, les Grecs, les Romains, les Vandales et les Byzantins, le pays tombe dans l'orbite arabe à partir de 643.

Qui dirige la Libye en 2022 ?

Le 20 août 2020 , Sarraj annonce des élections pour mars 2021.
. Après l'échec du maréchal Haftar à prendre Tripoli entre 2019 et 2020, des négociations menées à Tunis sous l'égide de l'ONU conduisent les deux parties à s'accorder en novembre 2020 sur la tenue des élections le 24 décembre 2021.

What happened to Mouammar Kadhafi?

Who is Saadi Kadhafi?

Who is Muammar Gaddafi?

What is Gaddafi's Libya?

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