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PDF Q&A Fact Sheet: What Mars Reveals about Life in Our Universe

(aired March 3 2021) Mars Overview How long is Mars’ day? Mars takes 24 hours and 38 minutes to spin around once so its day is very similar to Earth’s How long is Mars’ year? Mars takes 687 days almost two Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun How far is Mars from Earth?

PDF Planet Mars Quick Facts

Earth 7926 miles 12756 Km [amount of matter] Mars 1/2 4220 miles 6792 Rm Earth's Moon 1/4 2159 miles 3475 Km 5972 sextillion kg kg VOLUME [amount of space occupied) Mars has about of Earth's volume To fill Earth's volume it would take over 6 Mars volumes 260 billion mi2


This textbook covers our current understanding of the planet’s formation geology atmosphere interior surface properties and potential for life This interdisciplinary textbook encompasses the fields of geology chemistry atmo-spheric sciences geophysics and astronomy


Many elements have isotopes that are unstable decaying to a stable isotope in a well-defined period of time The radioactive element is called the parent element while the stable decay product is called the daughter element The amount of daughter element at any point in time depends on the original amount of the daughter element the original amo

  • Comment est la surface de Mars ?

    Mars, c'est un désert de poussière et de cailloux, de roches très riches en fer.
    En fer rouillé d'ailleurs, d'où la couleur rouge orange de sa surface.
    Le sol de cette planète est plein de cratères, de vieux impacts de météorites, et plein de bosses aussi, des volcans énormes comme Olympus Mons.

  • Quelle est la masse de Mars par rapport à la Terre ?

    La masse de la planète Mars est de 641 693 000 000 000 000 000 000 kilogrammes (on écrit aussi 6,417 × 1023 kg).
    On peut plus simplement dire que Mars représente environ 10 % de la masse de la Terre.2 oct. 2021

  • C'est quoi la taille de Mars ?

    6 779 kmMars / Diamètre

La superficie et la masse de Mars étant respectivement 3,5 et 10 fois moindres que celles de la Terre, cette planète s'est refroidie plus rapidement que la  Déimos (lune) · Phobos (lune) · Olympus MonsAutres questions

2.2.2 Geochronology

Many elements have isotopes that are unstable, decaying to a stable isotope in a well-defined period of time. The radioactive element is called the parent element while the stable decay product is called the daughter element. The amount of daughter element at any point in time depends on the original amount of the daughter element, the original amo

3.1.2 Coordinate systems

Locating a feature on the surface requires defining a coordinate (or geodetic) grid. Latitude is measured in two ways because of Mars’ oblate shape: aerographic latitude ( ) and aerocentric latitude ( ′). To obtain , one draws a best-fit reference sphere centered on the planet’s COM (Figure 3.2). A horizontal line tangent to the North P Local horiz

3.2 Gravity and topography

If Mars were a homogeneous sphere, the trajectories of orbiting spacecraft could be accurately predicted and would suffer no deviations from the predicted orbit. Not only is Mars differentiated and thus heterogeneous but it also displays variations in topography and mass near the surface. The gravitational effects of these mass anomalies lead to de

3.2.1 Gravity analysis

The gravitational acceleration (g) experienced by a spacecraft orbiting a planet of mass M at a distance of r from the planet’s center is

3.4 Heat flow

Surface heat flow measurements provide constraints on the distribution of heat-producing radioisotopes and the rate of mantle convection. Heat flux (Q) is the amount of heat flowing through a particular area in a certain amount of time. The two major mechanisms of heat flow in solid planets like Mars are conduction and convection. Conduction transf

k 1⁄4 qcpj: ð3:28Þ

The rate at which layers gain (or lose) heat is given by

3.4.2 Convection

Convection is much more efficient than conduction at removing internal heat from a planet and dominates in the deeper parts of a planet’s interior. Convection occurs when the thermal gradient exceeds some critical value, causing hot material to rise and cooler material to sink. This occurs when material is hotter and therefore less dense than its s

3.5.1 Active dynamo

The basis of MHD analysis is Maxwell’s equations. Faraday’s law of inductance relates the electric (E) field to a time-varying magnetic (B) field:

4.3 Crustal composition

The compositional diversity of the martian crust has been revealed through remote sensing observations, analysis of martian meteorites, and in situ investigations. Most of the compositional information has been obtained through various types of spectroscopic analyses.

4.3.5 Summary of martian crustal composition

Remote sensing, martian meteorite analysis, and in situ investigations by the landed missions all suggest that Fe-rich volcanic materials dominate on Mars. Compositions of the dust-covered bright regions are difficult to constrain, but the presence of ferric oxides suggests that much of this material is weathered Fe-rich Figure 4.19 Opportunity des

4.4.2 Thermal inertia and rock abundance

Viking IRTM, MGS TES, MO THEMIS, and MER Mini-TES experiments have provided insights into the variation in grain size across the martian surface through measurement of the thermophysical characteristics of the regolith. Thermal inertia of the surface materials governs the daily thermal response of the surface to solar heating. The surface temperatu

5 Geology

Solid bodies have their surfaces affected by geologic processes. By studying the current state of a planetary surface and applying our terrestrial experience of what features are associated with the different geologic processes, planetary geologists disentangle information about the geologic and thermal evolution of the body in question. Geologic p

5.1.1 Rocks and minerals

Understanding a planet’s geologic history requires development of techniques to read the record left by geologic processes. Solid bodies like Mars are composed of rocks, which are made up of minerals. A mineral is a naturally formed substance with a specific chemical composition. It can be composed entirely of one element or it can be a compound co

5.3.4 Mass movement

Mass movement features are produced when gravity causes collapse. The rate of collapse can be rapid (as with avalanches) or slow (as in subsurface creep). Solid rock is more stable than unconsolidated materials, but removal of underlying sup-port (such as caused by erosion near the base of a cliff) can result in bedrock undergoing collapse. Additio


A variety of heating sources drives atmospheric motions on Mars. Solar heating is the most important driver of atmospheric circulation, caused by the absorption of visible wavelength solar photons by the surface and within atmospheric layers with moderately large optical depths (i.e., near cloud layers). The martian surface and atmospheric dust par

6.2.3 Convection

Convection dominates in the lower parts of the martian atmosphere. Heat is transferred between regions of different temperature through movement of the material. Convection occurs when a parcel of air in a planet’s atmosphere is slightly warmer than its surroundings. The parcel expands in an attempt to re-establish pressure equilibrium. However, th

6.3.3 Winds

Gradients in pressure and temperature resulting from solar heating produce winds in an attempt to reduce these gradients. Atmospheric pressure and temperature gra-dients result from three major factors: seasonal changes, dust storms, and diurnal variations. The seasonal changes result from condensation and sublimation of CO2 and H2O from the polar

6.3.4 Atmospheric circulation

The general circulation of the martian atmosphere is driven by zonal and meridional winds, the Coriolis force, planetary waves, and seasonal condensation flow. Zonal winds and meridional circulation are produced by solar insolation through Hadley circulation, although the seasonal condensation flow also contributes to the mer-idianal component. Win

7.4 Water in the post-Noachian period

The post-Viking view of Mars was of a planet where liquid water had been abundant during the planet’s early history but whose atmosphere had thinned by the end of the Noachian, transitioning into the cold dry conditions which exist to the present. Although evidence of recent aqueous activity was apparent in the Hesperian-aged outflow channels, thes

8 Search for life

The possibility of current (extant) or past (extinct) life on Mars has been of interest for centuries. Percival Lowell’s early ideas of intelligent life forms who engineered an elaborate canal system has been disproved, but the question of whether microbial life exists or has existed on Mars remains an area of intense debate.The question of martian

8.6 Planetary protection issues

The possibility that Mars may possess extant life forms or at least provide envir-onments where life forms could survive and replicate leads to issues of planetary protection. The basic tenet of planetary protection is that exploration must not jeopardize possible life forms throughout the solar system. The Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) is a

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Qui est plus grand Mars ou la Terre ?

Mars est plus petite que la Terre.
. La circonférence et le diamètre équatoriaux de Mars sont deux fois plus petits que ceux de la Terre.
. Le volume de Mars représente 15 % celui de la Terre.
. Si on pouvait ouvrir la Terre et la vider comme une coquille d'œuf, on pourrait y faire entrer environ 6,5 fois la planète Mars.

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